CIFE 2015 Call for Seed Research Proposals

2015 Call for Seed Research Proposals

Timetable for Proposals

   March 23 Call for Proposals 2015   Proposal Template      Presentation Template
   April 14 Budget request due at:
 - ERA (Engineering Research Administration) for departments in School of Engineering
 - local research administration staff for other Stanford departments
   April 21 Proposals due at CIFE, 9:00 AM PDT - Submit proposal (using proposal template) and budget in electronic format to  Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted.
   April 24 Presentation materials due at CIFE, 9:00 AM PDT for Technical Advisory Committee Meeting - Submit, using presentation template, in electronic format to
   April 28 Technical Advisory Committee meeting - presentation of proposals by PIs and research assistants to committee members
Proposal Review Form
   May 5 CIFE Award decisions