• Transportation and Traffic


City Hall
456 W. Olive Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Mailing address:
Public Works
P.O. Box 3707
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3707

Phone: (408) 730-7415
Fax: (408) 328-0715

Contact Us:
Public Works

Hours: M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Transportation and Traffic


The Division of Transportation and Traffic is responsible for transportation operations, plans and studies. This includes the following services:

Traffic Signal Design and Operations

  • There are currently 128 signalized intersections in the City of Sunnyvale. Signalized Map
  • The major arterials that travel through the city are either timed to function together or are interconnected to adapt and adjust to the changing volume of traffic.
  • The majority of the traffic signals are monitored from the City's Traffic Management Center, TMC. Picture of TMC

Traffic Control Analysis

  • Stop and Yield warrant studies are performed in order to determine if there is a need for any traffic control devices.

Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Guidelines   

  • These guidelines are to assist developers and contractors in designing Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) plans when any and all work is done within the City of Sunnyvale's right-of-way. Temporary Traffic Control Guidelines 
  • Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Checklist is to be submitted with a Temporary Traffic Control Plan.  TTC Checklist

Neighborhood Traffic Calming

  • Install and implement speed radar signs, lighted crosswalk, speed humps, traffic circles near schools, parks, and neighborhoods that have qualified through the traffic calming policy. Map of Devices
  • Sunnyvale Traffic Calming Policy

Signing and Striping Determinations

Wolfe Road Corridor Traffic Improvement Study
  • The City of Sunnyvale is exploring options to improve traffic and mobility along Wolfe Road between El Camino Real and Homestead Road. The objective of the project is to study feasible improvements that would reduce congestion and improve multimodal circulation along the corridor. In that context the Wolfe Road Traffic Improvement Study has evaluated existing and forecast conditions along Wolfe Road, particularly in the El Camino Real area, and has identified the potential improvements to the corridor. Transportation improvement alternatives were presented to the community in December at a public meeting. These improvements were developed based on priorities set by the community at the project’s first public meeting in September and in discussions with the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.  Improvements under consideration include improving bicycle facilities, traffic signal synchronization, travel lane configurations, and traffic signal modifications to the El Camino Real/Fremont Ave/Wolfe Rd area. The project team is currently incorporating the input received from the community and the findings of a detailed simulation model to refine the improvements and develop recommendations on their prioritization. These recommendations will be summarized in a final report and presented to City Council in the first quarter of 2016.  A presentation from the second community meeting, showing improvement alternatives can be found at, Wolfe Road Corridor Traffic Improvement Study

Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Planning, Design and Operation

  • There are approximately 83.6 miles of bike lanes throughout the City of Sunnyvale. Different devices are used to assist the bicyclist to cross a signalized intersection which include video and in ground detection. There are also bike logos painted on the roadway to inform the rider of the proper location to place their bicycle for detection. Bike Map
  • The City often receives requests for crosswalk improvements. In an effort to best allocate resources and ensure compliance with State and Federal Standards, the City has developed guidelines for the implementation of In-Road Warning Lights (IRWLs).  IRWLs Guidelines

Parking and Traffic Study and Design

  • Perform yearly vehicle volume counts around the City. City Count Map
  • Perform speed studies to determine speed limits.

Transportation Permits

Alturas Ave and Train Station Area Residential Permit Parking

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC)

LED Streetlight

  • In accordance with city goals to achieve sustainabilty, a study was initiated to evaluate the replacement of all city streetlights with high-efficiency light-emitting diodes (LED) models.  The report and evaluation was conducted by the Evnviornmental Studies Department of De Anza College with the aid of the Division of Transportation and Traffic.  The report evaluates the products from three LED lighting vendors compared to the existing HPS luminaires the City uses. They were installed and tested along a portion of Fremont that includes the use of sidewalk, bike lanes, and vehicle lanes in order to analyze every aspect.  LED Street Lighting Report

City of Sunnyvale

Normal City Hours of Operation are
8 a.m. until 5 p.m.

(408) 730-7500

  • Sunnyvale City Hall
  • 456 W. Olive Ave.
  • Sunnyvale, CA 94086
  • TDD (408) 730-7501
  • Map and Directions 
  • City of Sunnyvale Logo

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