Picture of a House Under Construction
  • Residential Information


Community Development Department
456 W. Olive Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 730-7444

Contact Us:
One-Stop Permit Center


Residential Development Information

The following is a list of common residential projects with links to detailed informational brochures. More information about a specific project is available by contacting the One-Stop Permit Center.

Additions to Existing or New Single Family Homes and Duplexes

Interior Remodels

Exterior Improvements

New Residential Developments

Residential Construction Standards

The City of Sunnyvale has developed a book which contains general planning and building information for remodels, additions, and new construction of single family homes (including standard construction details). The book is available below on this web site or a printed and bound copy can be purchased at the One-Stop Permit Center for $6.00.


City of Sunnyvale

Normal City Hours of Operation are
8 a.m. until 5 p.m.

(408) 730-7500

  • Sunnyvale City Hall
  • 456 W. Olive Ave.
  • Sunnyvale, CA 94086
  • TDD (408) 730-7501
  • Map and Directions 
  • City of Sunnyvale Logo

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is maintained by the Sunnyvale Communications Office and
the Department of Information Technology.

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