CA Support Systems

As a CA, you are mentor and role model for students.  In addition to your professors and department offices, Stanford has many available resources that can help. 

Reporting Classroom Issues

Office of Community Standards

Tresidder Memorial Union 2nd Flr.; 725-2485 student conduct issues (including Honor Code questions).  More info about the codes of conduct and the honor code can be found here.

Sexual Harassment Policy Office

Coordinating Advisor - Dr. Laraine Zappert (Clinical Assoc. Prof., Psychiatry); 723-1583, 327-8259;

Office of Accessable Education (OAE) & Schwab Learning Center

Student services include notetaking, typists, interpreting, stenocaptioning, alternative format production (Braille, enlarged hardcopy), and exam/classroom accommodation.

Office of Accessible Education; 563 Salvatierra Walk 650-723-1066;

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

TA services include training workshops, videotaping of classes, and small group evaluations. CTL also has teaching handouts, the Teaching at Stanford Handbook, and information on teaching and technology.
590 Escondido Mall; 650-723-1326;

Bechtel International Center

Resource for international students, answering questions about visas, SEVIS requirements, proposed immigration legislation, cultural and language problems, passports and more.International students need to have an up to date address listed in Axess at all times. 422 Lagunita Drive; 650-723-1831

Vaden: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Provides psychological counseling relating to both personal and academic problems for all students. Stress management, support groups and individual counseling and 24-hour crises counseling available. Vaden Student Health Service; 870 Campus Drive; 650-723-3785

Wellness Network at Stanford

Over 180 Wellness resources for students, faculty, and staff. Student Affairs; 459 Lagunita drive, Suite 6; 650-723-7014;

Office of the Ombuds 

To protect anyone at Stanford from "injustices or abuses of discretion, from gross inefficiency, from unnecessary delay and complication in the administration of University rules and regulations, and from inconsistency, unfairness, unresponsiveness, and prejudice in the individual's experience with University activities."
Building 300; 723-3682

Diversity and Access

Provides accessibility at public events and non-discrimination resources

Undergraduate Advising and Research

Services for Students include courses to improve learning effectiveness, one-on-one study skills counseling, tutoring and tutor training and learning tips handouts.
Sweet Hall 4th floor; 723-4463;

Office of Student Affairs, School of Engineering

Huang 135; 725-1575

Residential Education (ResEd)

725-2800 support services for on-campus students

Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE)