What's estimated ad recall lift (people)?

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is the estimated number of people likely to remember your ads within 2 days. This metric is available for ads using the brand awareness, video views and Page post engagement objectives.

Ad recall surveys historically include a percentage of people who say they've seen your ads when they weren't shown them. We factor this percentage in.

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is an estimate only, and may be imprecise. We base our calculations on the amount of time people spend looking at your ad; our data shows the longer they spend, the more likely they are to remember it. Many other factors influence ad recall including:

  • The creative: your images, video, text and links
  • Existing awareness of your brand
  • Your ad's audience

Who's doing it?

  • Eurail, the travel company, achieved €0.04 cost per estimated ad recall targeting young customers before the summer vacation season.
  • Met-Rx, the protein supplement brand, achieved 12% ad recall lift targeting active lifestyle audiences.
  • Antara, the Mexican luxury mall, optimized campaigns on ad recall lift and created 27% more sales.

To view estimated ad recall lift (people) reporting on your ads:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click Columns > Customize Columns.
  3. A popup will appear. Search for estimated ad recall lift and select the estimated ad recall-based metrics you'd like to view.
  4. Click Apply.

Estimated ad recall lift is a useful metric for testing different tactics. For larger campaigns, a brand lift study is recommended for the most accurate measurement of ad recall.

The brand awareness objective's main reporting metric is estimated ad recall lift (people), which is the estimated number of people likely to remember your ads within 2 days.

The brand awareness objective is designed for advertisers who want to reach people who are more likely to pay attention to their ads.

From analyzing hundreds of brand campaigns we've found that the longer someone spends with an ad, the more likely they are to remember it.

Get Started

Metrics such as reach and frequency, which measure how many people your campaign reached and how many times they saw your ads, are important metrics for any brand campaign. If you used video, then video-based metrics are also important.

  • To view reach and frequency metrics in Ads Manager: Click Columns > Delivery
  • To view video metrics in Ads Manager: Click Columns > Video Engagement

Alongside reach and frequency metrics, you can use estimated ad recall lift (people) and cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) to help you understand the impact of your brand campaign.

Estimated ad recall lift (people): An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days.

Cost per estimated ad recall lift (people): The average cost for each estimated ad recall lift.

Understanding my results

Using cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) you can compare:

  1. How different ad creative resonates with your audience
    • Example: Create 2 different ad creatives, each in its own ad set. Target the same broad audience. Compare cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) for an indication of which ad creative may be more memorable, based on your budget.
  2. How different audiences are paying attention to your ads
    • Example: Create 2 different ad sets targeting 2 different audiences using the same ad creative. Compare cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) for an indication of which audience found the ad most memorable, based on your budget.

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is an estimate only and may be imprecise. To accurately measure ad recall lift, it's best to use a brand lift study. Eligibility for a brand lift study is dependent on multiple factors and availability is not guaranteed. Learn more about brand lift studies.

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The brand awareness objective is a way for advertisers to show ads to people who are more likely to pay attention to them.

From analyzing hundreds of brand campaigns we've found that the longer someone spends with an ad, the more likely they are to remember it.

Use Power Editor Quick Draft to create a brand awareness campaign
  1. Go to Power Editor.
  2. Click Create Campaign.
  3. Name your campaign, choose your buying type and select the brand awareness objective. The brand awareness objective supports auction and reach and frequency buying.
  4. Name your ad set. Click Create if your buying type is Reach and Frequency. Learn more about setting up a reach and frequency campaign.
  5. Name your ad, and click Create if your buying type is Auction.
  6. At the ad set level, set your budget, schedule, audience and placement.
  7. Under Optimization & Pricing > Optimization for Ad Delivery, you can choose between Brand Awareness (recommended) or Reach only.

    • Brand Awareness optimization will maximize your reach while showing your ads to people more likely to pay attention to them.
    • Reach optimization will maximize your reach over your whole campaign.
  8. At the ad level, add your creative. Choose between a single video or image, Carousel or slideshow.
  9. If you want people to open a Canvas when they tap on your ads, choose an image, video or slideshow format ad. Below Text, click to check the box next to Add a destination. Select Canvas and either add an existing Canvas or build a new Canvas.
  10. Add your text. To add a call-to-action button, select Website URL and add a website URL. Button options are Apply Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Download, Learn More, Request Time, See Menu, Shop Now, Sign Up and Watch More.
  11. Click Review Changes to book your campaign.
Use Power Editor ad creation to create a brand awareness campaign
  1. Go to Power Editor.
  2. Choose the brand awareness objective.
  3. Choose a Page and name your campaign. Click Continue
  4. Set your audience, age, gender and targeting.
  5. By default, we'll optimize your ad delivery across Facebook and Instagram; and, for video ads only, Audience Network. To change this, click on Edit Placements.
  6. Set your budget, optimization and schedule. You can choose between Brand Awareness (recommended) or Reach. Click Continue.
  7. At the ad level, add your creative. Choose between a single video or image, Carousel, slideshow or Canvas.
  8. Add your text. To add a call-to-action button, choose any format except Canvas and check the Add a website URL box. Button options are Apply Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Download, Learn More, Request Time, See Menu, Shop Now, Sign Up and Watch More.
  9. Click Place Order and Review Changes to finish.

Once your campaign starts, you'll be able to track metrics including video views for campaigns using video, reach, engagement and estimated ad recall lift (people) - an estimate of how many people are likely to recall your ad.

Was this information helpful?

The brand awareness objective is a way for advertisers to show ads to people who are more likely to pay attention to them.

From analyzing hundreds of brand campaigns we've found that the longer someone spends with an ad, the more likely they are to remember it.

To create a brand awareness campaign using ad creation:

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. Choose the brand awareness objective.
  3. Choose a Page and name your campaign. Click Continue.
  4. In Audience, set targeting such as age and gender.
  5. In Placements, by default, we'll optimize your ad delivery across Facebook and Instagram; and, for video ads only, Audience Network. To change this, click Edit Placements.
  6. Set your budget, optimization and schedule.
  7. If you click Show Advanced Options, you can choose to optimize by Brand Awareness (recommended) or Reach.
  8. If you set Budget to Lifetime Budget, you can change your Ad Scheduling and Delivery Type. Click Continue.
  9. Add your creative. Choose a Carousel, single image, single video, slideshow or Collection.
  10. Add your text. To add a call-to-action button, choose any format except Canvas and check the Add a website URL box. Button options are Apply Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Download, Learn More, Request Time, See Menu, Shop Now, Sign Up and Watch More.
  11. Success, your ad is complete! Click Place Order to finish.

Once your campaign starts, you'll be able to track metrics including video views for campaigns using video assets, reach, engagement and estimated ad recall lift (people) - an estimate of how many people are likely to recall your ad.

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