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Atlas by Facebook Ad Server


Measurement and ad serving features to give you accuracy and insights like never before.

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Cross-everything measurement

Say goodbye to cookies. Say hello to people-based measurement.

Track all ad campaigns with Atlas

Track and measure ad campaigns across devices, browsers and publishers.

Insights about audience clicking on ads with Atlas

Get insights based on actions linked to real people.

Ad reporting and attribution with Atlas

See the total response your ads prompted with attribution reports.

Using Atlas’ people-based measurement platform, we gained campaign insights that we hadn’t seen before. We now have a clearer understanding of our target audience across devices, enabling us to make more informed decisions across all of our digital channels.

Stephanie Rath

Director of Marketing, Feeding America

Example of a success using Atlas by Facebook

Learn more about Atlas solutions for ad measurement.

Campaign management

Advanced campaign management and ad serving in one easy-to-use tool.

Manage all campaigns and publishers in one place.

Tell stories with creative sequencing, frequency capping and creative targeting.

Serve and measure ads across devices, browsers and apps.

The entire experience was fantastic. We were managing multiple stakeholders – internal teams, two agencies, several publishers – during the high-pressure run-up to Christmas. Atlas helped us navigate all this, deliver insights with complete, all-encompassing tracking, and most importantly – drive sales at a crucial trading period for the business.

Cristina Sagarduy

Group Performance Marketing Director, The Net-A-Porter Group

Learn more about Atlas solutions for campaign management.

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