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Additional Voicemail Features

Stanford University and School of Medicine

You can request additional features at no additional monthly charge. If you decide you don't want a feature, you can submit a request at any time to change it.

Submit a HelpSU request for these two features:

Add these two features yourself from the portal:

Request via HelpSU:

To request Find-me/Follow-me and/or to receive fax messages, contact HelpSU online or by phone at 5-HELP (650-725-4357). Note that if you want to receive faxes as .tiff files, you must also have your voice messages forwarded to your email box.

Enable Find-me/Follow-me

You have the option to have the voicemail system try to reach you at an alternate number (or numbers) before callers leave a message. This may include trying an alternate campus phone, a cell phone, or your home phone if you're working from home. The alternate phone number will not be displayed to the caller. Once Find-me/Follow-me is enabled in your mailbox, you can control its settings via the portal, setting up alternate numbers and schedules, if you wish. To learn more, see Enable Find-me/Follow-me and Manage Find-me/Follow-me.

Receive fax messages

You have the option to receive fax messages via the Voice Messaging system. This gives you control over privacy of faxes and eliminates waiting at the fax machine.

  1. You can receive voicemail notification of a fax that you can then print out to your fax machine. From the phone interface, you can designate a specific fax machine number for each message.
  2. If you have Forward voice messages to your email box enabled and you have also chosen to receive faxes, your faxes will be sent to your email box as .tiff files that you can then print on your printer.

If you choose Option 1 below (forward voicemail to email and keep a copy in your voice mailbox), your faxes will also be sent both to your phone and to your email box.

To learn more, see Receiving Fax Messages.

Add from the web portal:

Forward messages to your email box

Keep your headphones handy...

If you forward voice messages to email, the messages are sent as .wav files. When you're reviewing email, you may want to plug in your headphones to make sure your messages are not broadcast.

You can opt to review and manage your voice messages from your email account rather than (or in addition to) your phone. The great advantage of this configuration is its nonlinearity: you can see all your messages at once and review them in any order you prefer. The messages are sent as .wav files, to be opened using QuickTime or Windows Media Player (do not use iTunes). See instructions on how to set your default media player as QuickTime or Windows Media Player. From your email account, you can forward or otherwise manage the messages as .wav files.

You have two options for forwarding email to your voice mailbox:

  1. Option 1: Forward voicemail to email and keep a copy in your voice mailbox
    • Advantage: You can choose whether you want to listen to a message on your phone or on your computer.
    • Disadvantage: You need to manage your messages in both places. Deleting a message in your email will not affect that message in your voice mailbox; it will still be there, causing the message waiting light to remain lit, so you will need to delete the message from your voice mailbox (via either your phone or the portal). If you primarily use your computer to read your email, the messages may pile up in your voice mailbox.
  2. Option 2: Forward voicemail to email but do not keep a copy in your voice mailbox
    • Advantage: You need to manage your voicemail only on your computer; no copies will be kept in your voice mailbox.
    • Disadvantage: You will need to have access to a computer or pda connected via authorized SUNet access to the Internet in order to get to your voicemail; you will not be able to access it via phone.
    Note: With this option, because all your messages are forwarded to your email account, your phone's message waiting light will not light up.

To learn how to set up message forwarding to email, see Forward Messages to Email.

Set up your numeric pager to receive voice message notification

You can set up message waiting notification (MWN) on your numeric pager. To learn more, see Set Up Numeric Paging.

Last modified May 12, 2015