
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentChiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
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Last Updated: 15 Jan 2016 Click here to generate a printable PDF of Guinea
  • Pres.
    Alpha CONDE
  • Prime Min.
    Mamady YOULA
  • Min. of Agriculture
    Jacqueline Marthe SULTAN
  • Min. of Communications
    Rachid NDIAYE
  • Min. of Culture, Sports, & Historical Heritage
    Siaka BARRY
  • Min. of Defense
    Alpha CONDE
  • Min. of Economy & Finance
    Maladho KABA
  • Min. of Energy & Water
    Taliby SYLLA
  • Min. of Environment, Water Resources, & Forestry
    Christine SAGNO
  • Min. of Fisheries & Maritime Economy
    Andre LOUAH
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs & Guineans Based Abroad
    Makale CAMARA
  • Min. of Health
  • Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research
    Abdoulaye Balde YERO
  • Min. of Hospitality, Tourism, & Handicrafts
    Thierno Ousmane DIALLO
  • Min. of Industry & Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises
    Boubacar BARRY
  • Min. of Justice
    Cheick SACKO
  • Min. of Livestock & Animal Husbandry
    Mohamed TALL
  • Min. of Mines & Geology
    Abdoulaye MAGASSOUBA
  • Min. of National Unity & Citizenship
    Kalifa Gassama DIABY
  • Min. of Planning & International Cooperation
    Camille DIALLO
  • Min. of Posts, Telecommunications, & the Digital Economy
    Mamy Moustapha DIABY
  • Min. of Pre-University Education & Literacy
    Ibrahima KOUROUMA
  • Min. of Public Service, State Reform, & Modernization of the Administration
    Sekou KOUROUMA
  • Min. of Public Works
    Oumou CAMARA
  • Min. of Social Action, Women Empowerment, & Children
    Kaba SANABA
  • Min. of Technical Education, Vocational Training, Employment, & Labor
    Damantang Albert CAMARA
  • Min. of Territorial Admin. & Decentralization
    Boureima CONDE
  • Min. of Towns & Regional Development
    Louceny CAMARA
  • Min. of Trade
  • Min. of Transport
  • Min. of Youth & Youth Employment
    Sanoussy Gbatama SOW
  • Govt. Sec. Gen.
    Sekou Kissing CAMARA
  • Min. of State in Charge of Defense
    Mohamed DIANE
  • Min. of State in Charge of National Security
    Abdoul Kabele CAMARA
  • Secy. Gen. in Charge of Religious Affairs
    Elhadj Abdoul Karim DIOUBATE
  • Governor, Central Bank
    Louceny NABE
  • Ambassador to the US
    Mamady CONDE
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    Mamadi TOURE