
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentChiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
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Last Updated: 29 Apr 2016 Click here to generate a printable PDF of Laos
Lao officials are addressed by the first element in their names.
  • Pres.
    BOUNNYANG Vorachit
  • Vice Pres.
    PHANKHAM Viphavan
  • Prime Min.
    THONGLOUN Sisoulit
  • Dep. Prime Min.
    BOUNTHONG Chitmani
  • Dep. Prime Min.
    SONXAI Siphandon
  • Dep. Prime Min.
    SOMDI Douangdi
  • Min. of Agriculture & Forestry
    LIEN Thikeo
  • Min. of Education & Sports
    SENGDUAN Lachanthaboun
  • Min. of Energy & Mining
    KHAMMANI Inthilat
  • Min. of Finance
    SOMDI Douangdi
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs
    SALEUMXAI Kommasit
  • Min. of Home Affairs
    KHAMMAN Sounvileut
  • Min. of Industry & Commerce
    KHEMMANI Phonsena
  • Min. of Information, Culture, & Tourism
    BOSENGKHAM Vongdala
  • Min. of Justice
    XAISI Santivong
  • Min. of Labor & Social Welfare
    KHAMPHENG Xaisompheng
  • Min. of National Defense
    CHANSAMON Chan-gnalat , Lt. Gen.
  • Min. of Natural Resources & Environment
    SOMMAT Phonsena
  • Min. of Planning & Investment
    SOUPHAN Keomixai
  • Min. of Post, Telecommunications, & Communication
    THANSAMAI Kommasit
  • Min. of Public Health
    BOUNKONG Sihavong
  • Min. of Public Security
    SOMKEO Silavong
  • Min. of Public Works & Transport
    BOUNCHAN Sinthavong
  • Min. of Science & Technology
    BOVIENGKHAM Vongdala
  • Min. to the Prime Minister's Office & Head, Prime Minister's Office
    PHET Phomphiphak
  • Min. to the Prime Minister's Office
    ALOUNKEO Kittikhoun
  • Min. to the Prime Minister's Office
    BOUNKEUT Sangsomsak
  • Min. to the Prime Minister's Office
    CHALEUN Yiapaoheu
  • Min. to the Prime Minister's Office
    SOUVANPHENG Boupphanouvong
  • Min. & Head of Cabinet, President's Office
    KHAMMEUNG Phongthadi
  • Chmn., National Narcotics Control Board
    SOUBAN Sitthilat
  • Chmn., State Inspection Ctte., & Head, Anticorruption Agency
    BOUNTHONG Chitmani
  • Governor, Bank of Laos
    SAMPHAO Phaisit
  • Ambassador to the US
    MAI Xaignavong
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    KHIAN Phansoulivong