
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentChiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
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Last Updated: 24 Jun 2015 Click here to generate a printable PDF of Togo
  • Pres.
  • Prime Min.
    Komi KLASSOU
  • Min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, & Fisheries
    Ouro Koura AGADZI
  • Min. of Arts & Culture
    Fiatuwo Kwadjo SESSENOU
  • Min. of Basic Development, Handicrafts, Youth, & Youth Employment
    Victoire Sidemho TOMEGAH-DODBE
  • Min. of Civil Service
    Gourdigou KOLANI
  • Min. of Commerce & Promotion of Private Sector
    Bernadette Essossimna LEGZIM-BALOUKI
  • Min. of Communication
    Djimon ORE
  • Min. of Economy & Finance
    Adji Oteth AYASSOR
  • Min. of Environment & Forest Resources
    Andre JOHNSON
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation
    Komlan Edo Robert DUSSEY
  • Min. of Grassroots Development, Crafts, Youth, & Youth Employment
    Sidemeho TOMEGAH-DOGBE
  • Min. of Health (Acting)
    Kwesi Seleagodji AHOOMEY-ZUNU
  • Min. of Higher Education & Research
    Octave Nicoue BROOHM
  • Min. of Human Rights, Democracy, & Civic Education
    Leonardina Rita Doris WILSON DE SOUZA
  • Min. of Industry, Free Trade Zone, & Technological Innovation
    Francois Agbeviade GALLEY
  • Min. of Justice & Keeper of Seals
    Kofi ESAW
  • Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security
    John Siabi Kwame NKRUMAH
  • Min. of Mail & Telecommunication
    Cina LAWSON
  • Min. of Mining & Energy
    Dammipi NOUPOKOU
  • Min. of Planning, Development, & Territorial Management
    Mawussi Djossou SEMODJI
  • Min. of Primary & Secondary Education & Literacy
    Florent Badjom MAGANAWE
  • Min. of the Promotion of Women
  • Min. of Public Service & Admin. Reform
    Kokou Dzifa ADJEODA
  • Min. of Public Works
    Ninsao GNOFAM
  • Min. of Reform of the State & Modernization of Admin.
    Elliot OHIN
  • Min. of Security & Civil Protection
    Damehane YARK
  • Min. of Social Action & Promotion of Women & Literacy
    Dede Ahoefa EKOUE
  • Min. of Sports & Leisure
    Bakalawa FOFANA
  • Min. of State & Foreign Affairs
    Elliot OHIN
  • Min. of Technical Education & Professional Training
  • Min. of Territorial Admin., Decentralization, & Local Authorities
    Gilbert BAWARA
  • Min. of Tourism
    Padumhekou TCHAO
  • Min. of Transport
    Dammipi NOUPOKOU
  • Min. of Water, Sanitation, & Village Hydraulics
    Bissoune NABAGOU
  • Min.-Del. to the Pres. in Charge of Planning, Development, & Spatial Planning
    Kokou SEMODJI
  • Min.-Del. to the Min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, & Fisheries in Charge of Rural Infrastructure
    Gourdigou KOLANI
  • Sec. of State to the Prime Min. for Youth & Sports
    Manzinewe BITHO
  • Dir., Central Bank
    Kossi TENOU
  • Ambassador to the US
    Limbiye Edawe Kadangha BARIKI
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    Kodjo MENAN