
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentChiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
click here for more information on Timor-Leste
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2016 Click here to generate a printable PDF of Timor-Leste
  • Pres.
    Taur Matan RUAK
  • Prime Min.
    Rui Maria de ARAUJO , Dr.
  • Coordinator Min. for Economic Affairs & Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
    Estanislau da SILVA
  • Coordinator Min. for Social Affairs & Minister of Education
    Antonio da CONCEICAO
  • Coordinator Min. for State Administration Affairs
    Dionisio Babo SOARES
  • Min. of the Presidency for the Council of Ministers
    Hermenegildo "Agio" PEREIRA
  • Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Environment
    Antonio da CONCEICAO
  • Min. of Defense
    Cirilo Jose CRISTOVAO
  • Min. of Education
    Joao Cancio FREITAS
  • Min. of Finance
    Santina CARDOSO
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs
    Hernani COELHO
  • Min. of Health
    Maria do Ceu Sarmento Pina da COSTA
  • Min. of the Interior
    Longuinhos MONTERIO
  • Min. of Justice
  • Min. of Petroleum & Natural Resources
    Alfredo PIRES
  • Min. of Public Works, Transport, & Communications
    Gastao de SOUSA
  • Min. of Social Solidarity
    Isabel Amaral GUTERRES
  • Min. of State Admin.
    Jorge da Conceicao TEME
  • Min. of Tourism, Arts, & Culture
    Francisco Kalbuady LAY
  • Ambassador to the US
    Domingos Sarmento ALVES
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    Maria Helena Lopes de Jesus PIRES