
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentChiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
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Last Updated: 25 Jan 2017 Click here to generate a printable PDF of Israel
  • Pres.
    Reuben RIVLIN
  • Prime Min.
    Binyamin NETANYAHU
  • Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development
    Uri ARIEL
  • Min. of Communications
    Binyamin NETANYAHU
  • Min. of Construction
    Yoav GALANT
  • Min. of Culture & Sport
    Miri REGEV
  • Min. of Defense
    Avigdor LIEBERMAN
  • Min. of the Development of the Negev & Galilee
    Aryeh DERI
  • Min. of Diaspora Affairs
    Naftali BENNETT
  • Min. of the Economy
    Eli COHEN
  • Min. of Education
    Naftali BENNETT
  • Min. of Energy, National Infrastructure, & Water
    Yuval STEINITZ
  • Min. of Environmental Protection
    Ze'ev Elkin
  • Min. of Finance
    Moshe KAHLON
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs
    Binyamin NETANYAHU
  • Min. of Health
    Yaakov LITZMAN
  • Min. of Immigration & Absorption
    Sofa LANDVER
  • Min. of Information
    Gilad ERDAN
  • Min. of Intelligence & Atomic Energy
    Yisrael KATZ
  • Min. of Interior
    Aryeh DERI
  • Min. of Internal (Public) Security
    Gilad ERDAN
  • Min. of Jerusalem Affairs
    Ze'ev ELKIN
  • Min. of Justice
    Ayelet SHAKED
  • Min. of Regional Cooperation
    Tzachi HANEGBI
  • Min. of Religious Services
    David AZOULAY
  • Min. of Science, Technology, & Space
    Ofir AKUNIS
  • Min. for Social Equality
    Gila GAMLIEL
  • Min. of Strategic Affairs
    Gilad ERDAN
  • Min. of Tourism
    Yariv LEVIN
  • Min. of Transportation & Road Safety
    Yisrael KATZ
  • Min. of Welfare & Social Services
    Haim KATZ
  • Min. Without Portfolio
    Ayoub KARA
  • Attorney Gen.
    Avichai MANDELBLIT
  • Governor, Bank of Israel
    Karnit FLUG
  • Ambassador to the US
    Ron DERMER
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    Danny DANON