
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentChiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
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Last Updated: 5 Aug 2016 Click here to generate a printable PDF of Japan
  • Emperor
  • Prime Min.
    Shinzo ABE
  • Dep. Prime Min.
    Taro ASO
  • Chief Cabinet Sec.
    Yoshihide SUGA
  • Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries
  • Min. of Defense
    Tomomi INADA
  • Min. of Economy, Trade, & Industry
    Hiroshige SEKO
  • Min. of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, & Technology
    Hirokazu MATSUNO
  • Min. of the Environment
    Koichi YAMAMOTO
  • Min. of Finance
    Taro ASO
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs
    Fumio KISHIDA
  • Min. of Health, Labor, & Welfare
    Yasuhisa SHIOZAKI
  • Min. of Justice
    Katsutoshi KANEDA
  • Min. of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, & Tourism
    Keiichi ISHII
  • Min. of Reconstruction
    Masahiro IMAMURA
  • Min. in Charge of the Abduction Issue
    Katsunobu KATO
  • Min. in Charge of Admin. Reform
  • Min. in Charge of Building National Resilience
  • Min. in Charge of "Challenge Again" Initiative
    Katsunobu KATO
  • Min. in Charge of Civil Service Reform
  • Min. in Charge of Comprehensive Policy Coordination for Revival From the Nuclear Accident at Fukushima
    Masahiro IMAMURA
  • Min. in Charge of "Cool Japan" Strategy
    Yosuke TSURUHO
  • Min. in Charge of Creating Society Where 100 Million Can Be Active
    Katsunobu KATO
  • Min. in Charge of Economic Revitalization
    Nobuteru ISHIHARA
  • Min. in Charge of Education Rebuilding
    Hirokazu MATSUNO
  • Min. in Charge of Industrial Competitiveness
    Hiroshige SEKO
  • Min. in Charge of Information Technology Policy
    Yosuke TSURUHO
  • Min. in Charge of Internal Affairs & Communications
    Sanae TAKAICHI
  • Min. in Charge of Ocean Policy & Territorial Issues
  • Min. in Charge of Overcoming Deflation & Yen Appreciation
    Taro ASO
  • Min. in Charge of Overcoming Population Decline & Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan
  • Min. in Charge of Reducing US Military Bases Burden on Okinawa
    Yoshihide SUGA
  • Min. in Charge of Reform on Work-Related Practices
    Katsunobu KATO
  • Min. in Charge of the Response to the Economic Impact Caused by the Nuclear Incident
    Hiroshige SEKO
  • Min. in Charge of Support for Women's Empowerment
    Katsunobu KATO
  • Min. in Charge of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
    Tamayo MARUKAWA
  • Min. in Charge of Total Reform of Social Security & Tax
    Nobuteru ISHIHARA
  • Min. in Charge of Water Cycle Policy
    Keiichi ISHII
  • Min. of State for Consumer Affairs & Food Safety
  • Min. of State for Disaster Management
  • Min. of State for Economic & Fiscal Policy
    Nobuteru ISHIHARA
  • Min. of State for Financial Services
    Taro ASO
  • Min. of State for Gender Equality
    Katsunobu KATO
  • Min. of State for Intellectual Property Strategy
    Yosuke TSURUHO
  • Min. of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate
    Katsunobu KATO
  • Min. of State for the My Number System (Social Security and Tax)
    Sanae TAKAICHI
  • Min. of State for the Nuclear Damage Compensation & Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation
    Hiroshige SEKO
  • Min. of State for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
    Koichi YAMAMOTO
  • Min. of State for Okinawa & Northern Territories Affairs
    Yosuke TSURUHO
  • Min. of State for Regulatory Reform
  • Min. of State for Science & Technology Policy
    Yosuke TSURUHO
  • Min. of State for Space Policy
    Yosuke TSURUHO
  • Chmn., National Public Safety Commission
  • Governor, Bank of Japan
    Haruhiko KURODA
  • Ambassador to the US
    Kenichiro SASAE
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    Koro BESSHO