
Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentChiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
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Last Updated: 7 Apr 2016 Click here to generate a printable PDF of Mauritania
  • Pres.
    Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ
  • Prime Min.
    Yahya Ould HADEMINE
  • Min. of Agriculture
    Lemine Mint MEMA
  • Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Tourism
    Naha Mint Hamdi Ould MOUKNASS
  • Min. of Communications & Relations With Parliament
    Izidbih Ould Mohamed MAHMOUD
  • Min. of Culture & Handicraft
    Hindou Mint AININA
  • Min. of Economics & Development
    Sidi Ould TAH
  • Min. of Education
    Isselmou Ould SID'EL MOCTAR
  • Min. of Employment, Vocational Training, & New Technologies
    Dia Moktar MALAL
  • Min. of Energy, Oil, & Mines
    Mohamed Salem Ould BECHIR
  • Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development
    Amedi CAMARA
  • Min. of Equipment & Transport
    Ahmed Salem Ould ABDERRAOUF
  • Min. of Finance
    Mokhtar Ould DIAY
  • Min. of Fisheries & Maritime Economy
    Nany Ould CHROUGHA
  • Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation
    Isselkou Ould Ahmed IZID BIH
  • Min. of Habitat, Urban Affairs, & Territorial Admin.
    Amal Mint MAOULOUD
  • Min. of Health
    Boubacar KANE , Dr.
  • Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research
    Sidi Ould SALEM
  • Min. of Interior & Decentralization
    Ahmedou Ould ABDALLAH
  • Min. of Islamic Affairs & Religious Education
    Ahmed Ould Ehil DAOUD
  • Min. of Justice
    Sidi Ould ZEINE
  • Min. of Livestock
    Fatma Vall Mint SOUEINAE
  • Min. of National Defense
    Diallo Amadou BATHIA
  • Min. of Public Services & Admin. Modernization
    Seydina Aly Ould Mohamed KHOUNA
  • Min. of Relations With Parliament
    Mohamed Lemine Ould CHEIKH
  • Min. of Social Affairs
    Fatma Mint HABIB , Dr.
  • Min. of Water & Sanitation
    Mohamed Abdallahi Ould OUDAA
  • Min. of Youth & Sports
    Coumba BA
  • Min. of Sec. Gen. of the Govt.
    Zeinebou Mint Ely SALEM
  • Min.-Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation in Charge of Maghreb & African Affairs & Mauritanians Abroad
    Khadijetou Mbareck FALL
  • Ambassador to the US
  • Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
    Mohamed Lemine EL HAYCEN