EDS11 Home

The Office of the Executive Director (EDS 11) represents Bahrain, Arab Republic of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, West Bank and Gaza, United Arab Emirates, and Republic of Yemen. 

The Executive Director and Dean of the Board at the World Bank Group represents the constituency in meetings at the World Bank Group and engages in direct consultations and negotiations on behalf of the countries, all while working to promote and achieve the World Bank Group’s twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity.

Dean of the Board of Executive Directors:

Our Executive Director is the Dean of the Board of Executive Directors.  The Dean of the Board of Executive Directors is by practice the longest serving, full-time Executive Director. 

The responsibilities of the Dean include the negotiation of the terms and conditions of the contract of the President along with the Co-Dean. In addition, the Corporate Secretary consults with the Dean during the process of informal consultations to select members of the Board Ethics and Standing Board Committees.

The Dean also chairs the meetings of the Steering Committee, which is the meeting of Executive Directors with Senior Management to set the Board’s work program and organizes meetings for Executive Directors among themselves or with Management, the UN or other high level experts to exchange views informally. The Dean and Co-Dean of the Board also coordinate with the Dean of the Fund’s Board on matters of mutual interest such as the Annual Meetings, the remuneration of the heads of the two institutions, and corporate governance issues.

Last Updated: May 28, 2015

Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Ragui El-Etreby

Alternate Executive Director: EDS11

By Country

History of the membership of the current constituency of EDS11


The World Bank Group
Office of the Executive Director - EDS11
1818 H Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20433 USA

More Contacts

The EDS 11 Office supports the Executive Director with his tasks.  The responsibilities of the Office's staff and their contact information can be found below.

Last Updated: Sep 10, 2016

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    Nada Mufarrij

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director - Nationality: Lebanon - nmufarrij@worldbank.org
    Constituency Countries: Lebanon. Responsibilities: IBRD, Reform Process, Development Effectiveness/Quality and Results (including Corporate Scorecard and President's Delivery Unit), Dean's Work/Steering Committee, Voice, Representation, Shareholding, G24, Chief Risk Officer’s VPU, Trust Funds, WB Treasury, GSD (Real Estate), IAD, Information and Technology Solutions (ITS)-Controller, External and Corporate Relations (ECR), Transport and ICT Global Practice, MICs (including concessional new products/facilities for MICs under stress), United Nations (including ECOSOC), Civil Society, Lending Instruments (ILs, DPLs, P4R), Forward Look Exercise (Coordination)
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    Jeehan Nawal Abdul Abdul

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director - Nationality: Yemen - jabdulghaffar@worldbank.org
    Constituency Countries: Yemen and Maldives. Responsibilities: IDA, South Asia Region, Gender CCSA, Fragile, Conflict & Violence CCSA (including overall coordination on Refugee and Forced Displacement issues), Poverty Global Practice & Equity (including Shared Prosperity), Agriculture Global Practice (incl. Food Security), LICs and Small and Island States, Global Monitoring Report, Aid Harmonization, SDGs (General Coordination), Human Resources, Conflict Resolution System, Safeguards, Humanitarian Issues, Voice Secondment Program
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    Zainab Allawi

    Advisor to the Executive Director - Nationality: Iraq - zallawi@worldbank.org
    Constituency Countries: Iraq. Responsibilities: Committee on Governance and Executive Directors' Administrative Matters (COGAM), G11, Africa Region (all countries/projects), Grant Making Facilities (GMF), Learning, Sanctions Board, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), Integrity (INT), Governance Global Practice, Social Protection & Labor Global Practice, Education Global Practice, Health Nutrition & Population Global Practice, Knowledge Strategy, Research and South-South Cooperation, Procurement (including Benchmarking Public Procurement), Country Engagement Model (CEM), DEC (Overall Coordination), Migration and Remittances, Global Public Goods (GPGs) (General Issues, WBG Strategy and Overall Coordination), EDS11 External Website
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    Fawaz Farouk Abdel Karim Bilbeisi

    Advisor to the Executive Director - Nationality: Jordan - fbilbeisi@worldbank.org
    Constituency Countries: Jordan and West Bank and Gaza. Responsibilities: IFC, MIGA, Arab Governors’ Meetings (including Joint Arab Speech), Doing Business Report, IFC Treasury, IFC Partnerships and Advisory Services, GEF (coordination), Ombudsman/CAO (IFC/MIGA), Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice, PPPs (including Global Infrastructure Facility), WBG Guarantees, Asset Management Company (AMC), Corporate Governance, New Insurance Products
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    Malik Finaish

    Advisor to the Executive Director - Nationality: Libya - mfinaish@worldbank.org
    Constituency Countries: Libya and Egypt Responsibilities: Development Committee, African Caucus, East Asia and Pacific Region, Europe and Central Asia Region, Global Development Horizons/Global Economic Prospects, Energy and Extractives Global Practice, Finance and Markets Global Practice, Macroeconomic & Fiscal Management Global Practice, Resource Rich Countries, Financing for Development (including Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM), Derisking and Illicit Financial Flows (IFF), Data and Statistics (including Post-2015 Data Issues, Statistical Capacity Building, Open Data and Data (GEO) Mapping), Subsidies, EFGGP VPU (Overall Coordination)
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    Ali Alhosani

    Advisor to the Executive Director - Nationality: UAE - aalhosani@worldbank.org
    Constituency Countries: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states. Responsibilities: G20, Latin America and Caribbean Region, Middle East and North Africa Region (non-constituency countries only), Inspection Panel (IP), Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, Water Global Practice, Social Urban Rural & Resilience (including jobs) Global Practice, Climate Change (including Disaster Risk Management) CCSA, HICs, Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS), Financial Management, Annual Meetings Procedures, Sustainable Development GPVPU (Overall Coordination)

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    Roudaina M. Iskander

    Senior Executive Assistant - riskander@worldbank.org
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    Colette Elie Bou-Sleiman

    Program Assistant - cbousleiman@worldbank.org
Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Ragui El-Etreby

Alternate Executive Director: EDS11

By Country

Constituency Highlights
Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Ragui El-Etreby

Alternate Executive Director: EDS11

Allocation of Votes by Organization

Member countries are allocated votes at the time of membership and subsequently for additional subscriptions to capital. Votes are allocated differently in each organization.

IBRD: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of the Bank's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IFC: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of IFC's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IDA: Each member receives the votes it is allocated under IDA replenishments according to the rules established in each IDA replenishment resolution. Votes consist of subscription votes and membership votes.

MIGA:  Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of MIGA's capital stock held by the member) plus parity votes,calculated so that the aggregate number of votes of category 1 and category 2 members is the same. Members choose which category they want to join at the time of membership. Category 1 members were originally defined as developed countries and category 2 members as developing countries.

Voting Status by Executive Director:

Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Ragui El-Etreby

Alternate Executive Director: EDS11

World Bank Group Projects

Information concerning current and past IBRD and IDA projects can be found using the World Bank’s Project Database. To visualize the Bank's operations, you can also take advantage of Mapping for Results, an innovative site that geocodes Bank's projects worldwide.

IFC projects can be found using the IFC Project Database. MIGA projects can be found using the MIGA Project Database

Project Map
Use Mapping for Results tool to visualize the locations of World Bank-financed projects of the EDS11 constituency countries.
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