EDS18 Home

The Office of the Executive Director (EDS18) represents Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, and Spain.

The constituency has played an important role in articulating the World Bank Group's policies and strategies since the countries joined. The constituency includes two IDA countries (Honduras and Nicaragua), three upper-middle-income countries (Costa Rica, Mexico and Venezuela), two lower-middle-income countries (El Salvador and Guatemala) and one developed country (Spain).

Responsibilies of the Executive Director and the office consist of participating in Board meetings to define institutional policies and strategies, as well as approving programs and projects, including IBRD loan and guarantee proposals, IDA credits, grants and guarantee proposals.

Mr. Jiménez Latorre serves as a member of the Budget Committee (pdf) and the Committee on Governance and Executive Directors' Administrative Matters (COGAM) (pdf).

The Executive Director liaises with the constituency's Governors (usually the Ministers of Finance, and Presidents of the Central Banks) to receive their advice.

Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Rodrigo Carriedo Haro

Alternate Executive Director, EDS18
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History of the membership of the current constituency of EDS18

IBRD Statement of Loans - EDS18 Constituency Countries

IDA Statement of Credits and Grants of EDS18 Constituency Countries

By Country


The World Bank Group
Office of the Executive Director - EDS18
1818 H Street NW Washington, D.C. 20433 USA

More Contacts

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    Daniela M. Malaspina Hernandez

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Venezuela. Responsibilities: Primary Sectors: Energy, Health; Secondary Sectors: Social and Urban, Education, Social Protection and Labor, Gender. Other areas of interest: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Regions: Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and the Caribbean. Committees: Human Resources Committee
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    Rodrigo Turrent Nunez

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Mexico. Responsibilities: Primary Sectors: Governance, Gender, Legal, Development Economics, and Corporate Secretariat. Secondary: Energy, Trade and Competitiveness, and External Relations. Regions: Latin America & the Caribbean. Committees: Committee of Development Effectiveness (CODE), Committee on Governance and Executive Directors' Administrative Matters (COGAM) - as member.
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    Rafael Pablo Dominguez Pabon

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Spain. Responsibilities: Primary Sectors and Global Practices: Poverty, Climate Change, Environment and Natural Resources, External Relations. Other areas of interest: Safeguards, IDA, Public-Private Partnerships, World Development Report, Doing Business. Regions: Southern Africa, East Asia and Pacific. Committees: Committee of Development Effectiveness.
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    Jaime Roberto Diaz Palacios

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Guatemala Responsibilities: Sectors: Transport & ICT, Water, FCS, Agriculture, Jobs, Finance and Climate Change Committees: CODE, COGAM Regions: Central America, Africa

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    Maria Carmen Alcantara

    Senior Executive Assistant
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    Maria Lopez

    ET Temporary
Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Rodrigo Carriedo Haro

Alternate Executive Director, EDS18
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By Country

Constituency Highlights

Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Rodrigo Carriedo Haro

Alternate Executive Director, EDS18
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Allocation of Votes by Organization

Member countries are allocated votes at the time of membership and subsequently for additional subscriptions to capital. Votes are allocated differently in each organization.

IBRD: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of the Bank's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IFC: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of IFC's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IDA: Each member receives the votes it is allocated under IDA replenishments according to the rules established in each IDA replenishment resolution. Votes consist of subscription votes and membership votes.

MIGA:  Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of MIGA's capital stock held by the member) plus parity votes,calculated so that the aggregate number of votes of category 1 and category 2 members is the same. Members choose which category they want to join at the time of membership.  Category 1 members were originally defined as developed countries and category 2 members as developing countries.

Voting Status by Executive Director:

Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Rodrigo Carriedo Haro

Alternate Executive Director, EDS18
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    World Bank Group Spring Meetings 2017

    Washington DC: April 18 - 23, 2017
    The 2017 Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will be held in Washington DC from April 18 - 23. Visit the website for information on public events or how to register for accreditation.
Meet the Executive Director
Executive Director

Meet the Alternate Executive Director

Rodrigo Carriedo Haro

Alternate Executive Director, EDS18
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World Bank Group Projects

Information concerning current and past IBRD and IDA projects can be found using the World Bank’s Project Database. To visualize the Bank's operations, you can also take advantage of Mapping for Results, an innovative site that geocodes Bank's projects worldwide.

IFC projects can be found using the IFC Project Database. MIGA projects can be found using the MIGA Project Database

Information concerning current and past IBRD and IDA projects can be found using the World Bank’s Project Database. To visualize the Bank's operations, you can also take advantage of Mapping for Results, an innovative site that geocodes Bank's projects worldwide.

International Finance Corportation (IFC) projects can be found using the IFC Project Database. Mutilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MiGA) projects can be found using the MIGA Project Database.


Project Map
Use Mapping for Results tool to visualize the locations of World Bank-financed projects of the EDS18 constituency countries.
Search by Country

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