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The Office of the Executive Director for Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Philippines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago have played an important role at articulating the interest and desires of their governments since they joined the World Bank Group (WBG). Our constituency includes: IDA graduates, one IDA recipient and IDA contributor countries; one G20 member and four G24 members. Our constituency is also one of the twelve G11 chairs.

We actively engage in the decision-making process of the WBG  Board with our countries’ individual and collective interests as well as the Bank’s interest being our key concern. In doing so, we carry out consultations and negotiations with other Executive Director Offices. As of November 2014, our chair became a member of the Budget Committee (BC) and the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE). We also enthusiastically participate in deliberations of the other Board Standing Committees, i.e. Audit Committee, Committee on Governance and Administrative Matters (COGAM) and Human Resources Committee (HRC).

Under the leadership of our Executive Director, Mr. Otaviano Canuto, and that of our Alternate Executive Director, Ms. Diana Quintero, as well as with the support from our senior advisors, advisors, and hardworking support staff, EDS15 continuously maintains a constructive dialogue with the country authorities, management, and staff. We work as a team and, although our staffs come from different countries, each and every one of us is at the service of all the member countries of the constituency.

In conformity with our authorities’ directives, the chairs’ priorities include:

  • Ensuring that the Bank’s decisions, actions and activities are driven by its clients’ demand;
  • Mainstreaming South-South Cooperation;
  • Promoting the use of country systems;
  •  Encouraging the IFC to embrace new challenges;
  • Harmonize staff incentive systems with corporate development goals and objectives;
  • Ensuring that Haiti’s reconstruction remains a priority on the Bank’s agenda;
  • Strengthening the Bank’s partnership and collaboration with other development partners.

We are united in pursuing the WBG’s urgent mission and along with management and staff we are implementing the critical changes needed to deliver results for our clients.


Executive Director

Alternate Executive Director
Diana Quintero
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By Country

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    EDS15 Staff Photo

    Click for large photo
    Photo of all EDS15 staff taken on April 2017

Summary of IBRD Statement of Loans for EDS15 Constituency Countries

Summary of IDA Statement of Credits and Grants for EDS15

In Depth

Contact Information
The World Bank Group
Office of the Executive Director - EDS15
1818 H Street, N.W Washington, DC Suite: MC 12-319 Mail Stop: MC 12-1210 20433 USA
Tel : +1(202)458-0086
Fax: +1(202)522-1551
Send us an email
EDS15 Website

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    Matheus Cavallari

    Senior Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Brazil Email: Mcavallari@worldbank.org Phone: 202- 458-0096
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    Sandra Fraser-James

    Senior Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Trinidad and Tobago Email: sfraser-james@worldbank.org Phone 202-458-0085
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    Rommel S. Herrera

    Senior Advisor to the Executive Director
    Email: rherrera1@worldbank.org Phone: 202-458-0094 Nationality: Philippines
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    Jaime Alvarez

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Dominican Republic Email: jalvarez@worldbank.org Phone: 202-458-7075
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    Marie D. A. Ketleen Florestal

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Haiti Email: kflorestal@worldbank.org Phone: 202-458-0089
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    Jose Gilberto Scandiucci

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Brazil Email: jscandiucci@worldbank.org Phone: 202-458-0097
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    Madeleine Leticia Abarca Runruil

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Ecuador Email: mabarcarunruil@worldbank.org Phone: 202-458-4854

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    Josefa Pauline M. Dizon

    Senior Execuitve Assistant
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    Patricio J. Bernal

    Program Assistant
Executive Director

Alternate Executive Director
Diana Quintero
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By Country

History of the Membership of the Current Constituency -  Constituency Governmental Organizations

Executive Director

Alternate Executive Director
Diana Quintero
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By Country

Allocation of Votes by Organization

Member countries are allocated votes at the time of membership and subsequently for additional subscriptions to capital.  Votes are allocated differently in each organization.


IBRD: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of the Bank's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IFC: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of IFC's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IDA: Each member receives the votes it is allocated under IDA replenishments according to the rules established in each IDA replenishment resolution. Votes consist of subscription votes and membership votes.

MIGA: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of MIGA's capital stock held by the member) plus parity votes, calculated so that the aggregate number of votes of category 1 and category 2 members is the same. Members choose which category they want to join at the time of membership.  Category 1 members were originally defined as developed countries and category 2 members as developing countries.

Voting Status by Executive Director:

Executive Director

Alternate Executive Director
Diana Quintero
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World Bank Group Projects

Information concerning current and past IBRD and IDA projects can be found using the World Bank’s Project Database. To visualize the Bank's operations, you can also take advantage of Mapping for Results, an innovative site that geocodes Bank's projects worldwide.

International Finance Corportation (IFC) projects can be found using the IFC Project Database. Mutilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MiGA) projects can be found using the MIGA Project Database.


Newly Disclosed and Recently Declassified Publications from the Constituency
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