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This site demonstrates the important role of the United States (U.S.) at the World Bank Group (WBG) and provides resources to U.S. businesses, civil society organizations, and the general public.

The United States was a leading force in the establishment of the World Bank in 1944 and remains its largest shareholder today.  As the only WBG shareholder that retains veto power over changes in the Bank’s structure, the U.S. plays a unique role in influencing and shaping development priorities.

Through the WBG, the U.S. participates in addressing international development challenges of vital importance.  The U.S. has a long history of generously supporting the WBG's mission and has been a champion of the International Development Association (IDA), the Bank’s fund for the poorest, which provides low-interest loans and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, agriculture, communications, economic and institutional development.

The U.S. Executive Director is nominated by the President of the United States, confirmed by the U.S. Senate, and represents the U.S. on the Board of Directors of the WBG.  See detailed description of the governance structure of the WBG.

As an official of the WBG, the U.S. Executive Director has a duty to support the mission of the institution, as well as to represent the interests of the United States and enforce legislative mandates established by the U.S. Congress.

The U.S. Executive Director is supported by advisors who are detailees from the U.S. Department of the TreasuryU.S. Department of CommerceU.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development, as well as World Bank administrative staff.

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The World Bank
Office of the Executive Director for United States of America - EDS01
1818 H Street NW
Washington, D.C.
Tel: +1-202-473-1000
Fax: +1-202-477-6391

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In Depth
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    Jeffrey Baker

    Senior Advisor to the Executive Director
    Issues: Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Board policies and procedures Email: jbaker@worldbank.org Phone: (202) 473-0093
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    Aaron Michael Held

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Issues: U.S. Business Liaison and Outreach Email: aheld@worldbank.org, Phone: (202) 458-0120
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    Clemence P. Landers

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Issues: Africa, Fragile/Post Conflict States, Gender and Diversity, HR, CODE/IEG, IDA Email: clanders@worldbank.org Phone: (202) 458-1549
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    Timothy Alexander Mills

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Issues: LCR, Audit/Budget Committee (IBRD/IFC/MIGA) AML/CFT Budget Chief Risk Officer, Doing Business, Financial Statements, Guarantees IAB/IBRD/IFC/MIGA Email: tmills@worldbank.org Phone: (202) 458-8049
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    Robert Anthony Beadle

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Issues: East Asia, Food Security, Power Africa, and bilateral aid issues, Email: rbeadle@worldbank.org Phone: (202) 473-2742
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    Charles Alexander DeLuca

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Issues: South Asia, Africa Region, Compliance Adv. Ombusdsman, Governance and Anti Corruption (GAC) IEG, IAB, Inspection Panel, INT, Internal Justice Email: mailto:cdeluca1@worldbank.org Phone: (202) 473-5234
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    Eric Anthony Smith

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Issues: ECA, MENA, and Africa: Energy, Hydro Policy Forestry, GEF/CIFs/Green Climate Fund, Labor, Trade and Investment Issues, Strategic Partnerships, Flagship Reports (WDRs, GEPs, Doing Business), Post-Conflict Engagement Email: esmith6@worldbank.org Phone: (202) 458-0114

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    Anna Marie Croom

    Program Assistant
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    Solange Guyot

    Senior Executive Assistant
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Constituency Highlights
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    Representation and Liason

    The U.S. Executive Director represents the United States at the World Bank Group's Board of Executive Directors. As such, the U.S. Executive Director has a duty to support the mission of the World Bank, as well as to represent the interests of its U.S. constituents and enforce legislative mandates established by the Congress. As a liaison office, the Office of the U.S. Executive Director works with all U.S. Government agencies to represent collective U.S. public sector, private sector, and civil society interests at the World Bank Group.
  • Resources for Businesses and Civil Society

    World Bank Group Projects
    Information concerning current and past IBRD and IDA projects can be found using the World Bank’s Project Database. To visualize the Bank's operations, you can also take advantage of Mapping for Results, an innovative site that geocodes Bank's projects worldwide. IFC projects can be found using the IFC Project Database. MIGA projects can be found using the MIGA Project Database
  • Resources for Businesses

    Additional Resources
    The Office of the U.S. Executive Director also includes a business liaison from the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service whose job it is to advise U.S. companies on World Bank procurement opportunities, project information, economic analyses, sector studies, and policy reviews. The liaison also can assist U.S. companies to solve problems, encourage compliance with the World Bank’s procurement guidelines, pursue financing for private ventures, and promote transparency and fairness in World Bank-funded procurements. The U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service performs a similar liaison function at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). For more information about these services
  • Resources for Businesses

    Project Procurement
    Procurement-related information can be found in a number of different ways. You can access the World Bank's Procurement Policies, find out information on the Bank's Project Cycle and related business opportunities, or search through the Bank's Database of Awarded Contracts.
  • Resources for Civil Society

    The World Bank Group Consultation Hub provides a one-stop shop for individuals and groups interested in consultations hosted by the World Bank Group. On this Hub, you can find all ongoing and planned consultations as well as those that were closed within the past year. You also can find information on the subject of consultation, the scope and process of consultation, and on how you can contribute your views to the World Bank Group's decision-making process.
  • Resources for Civil Society

    Additional Resources
    Civil society organizations can also make use of the World Bank Group’s resources by contacting the World Bank’s Civil Society Team (CST). For example, CST provides accreditation for attendance at the World Bank’s Annual and Spring Meetings
  • Requesting a Meeting with the Executive Director

    The U.S. Executive Director meets with civil society organizations on an ongoing basis. Requests for meetings by civil society organizations are considered by the Office of the U.S. Executive Director on the nature and timing of the meeting being requested. All requests to meet with the U.S. Executive Director should be sent to eds01@worldbank.org, stating the agenda and requested timeframe for the meeting in letter form.
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Allocation of Votes by Organization

Member countries are allocated votes at the time of membership and subsequently for additional subscriptions to capital.  Votes are allocated differently in each organization.

IBRD: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of the Bank's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IFC: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of IFC's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IDA: Each member receives the votes it is allocated under IDA replenishments according to the rules established in each IDA replenishment resolution. Votes consist of subscription votes and membership votes.

MIGA: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of MIGA's capital stock held by the member) plus parity votes, calculated so that the aggregate number of votes of category 1 and category 2 members is the same. Members choose which category they want to join at the time of membership.  Category 1 members were originally defined as developed countries and category 2 members as developing countries.

Voting Status by Executive Director:

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Annual Meetings: The 2017 Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will be held in Washington D.C. from October 13 - 15. For information on public events or how to register for accreditation, please visit the Annual Meetings website.

Last Updated: Aug 03, 2017

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World Bank Group Projects

Information concerning current and past IBRD and IDA projects can be found using the World Bank’s Project Database. To visualize the Bank's operations, you can also take advantage of Mapping for Results, an innovative site that geocodes Bank's projects worldwide.

International Finance Corportation (IFC) projects can be found using the IFC Project Database. Mutilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MiGA) projects can be found using the MIGA Project Database.

Project Map
Use Mapping for Results tool to visualize the locations of World Bank-financed projects.
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