EDS20 Home

Message from the Executive Director, Susan Ulbaek 

As the Executive Director (ED) of the World Bank Board representing Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden,  I am pleased to invite you to visit our website to learn more about the Nordic and Baltic office at the World Bank Group. Read More

Highlights from Financial Year 2016
2016 Annual Report

Report from the Office of the Executive Director of the Nordic and Baltic Countries

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Flagship Publication
Learning to Realize Education's Promise

World Development Report 2018 (WDR 2018)

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Executive Director
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Alternate Executive Director
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By Country

History of the Membership of the Current Constituency
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    Membership Date
    March 30, 1946
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    Membership Date
    June 23, 1992
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    Membership Date
    January 14, 1948
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    Membership Date
    December 27, 1945
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    Membership Date
    August 11, 1992
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    Membership Date
    July 6, 1992
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    Membership Date
    December 27, 1945
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    Membership Date
    August 31, 1951


The World Bank Group
Office of Executive Director of the Nordic and Baltic Countries — EDS20
1818 H Street, N.W. Mail Stop MC 13-1314
Washington, DC 20433 USA
Fax: +1-202-477-6818

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In Depth

The Nordic and Baltic countries are currently represented at the Executive Board by Susan Ulbaek , Executive Director (ED). In this capacity, she engages in direct consultations and negotiations with other Executive Directors and World Bank Group Management in setting the institution’s strategy and policy priorities.

The ED represents the constituency when considering and deciding on IBRD loan and guarantee proposals and IDA credit, grant and guarantee proposals made by the President, and it decides on policies that guide the Bank's general operations. The ED is also responsible for presenting to the Board of Governors, at the Annual Meetings, an audit of accounts, an administrative budget, and an annual report on the Bank's operations and policies as well as other matters. 

The Nordic-Baltic ED is member of the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE). CODE supports the Executive Board in assessing the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group, provides guidance on strategic directions, monitors the quality and results of World Bank operations and oversees/liaises on the work of the entities that are part of the World Bank Group's accountability framework. The Nordic-Baltic chair is also a member of the CODE Sub-Committee and Vice-Chair of the Human Resources Committee. The HRC serves to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board in its strategy, policies, practices and alignment with WB business needs.

The ED is assisted in the Nordic-Baltic Office (NBO), by an Alternate ED, three Senior Advisors, four Advisors, an Executive Assistant and a Program Assistant.

Each year, the office reports to the constituency countries through an Annual Status Report. See Office Reports.

Executive Director
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    Martin Põder

    Alternate Executive Director
    Nationality: Estonia. Responsibilities: Forward Look, Shareholding Review, Digital Economy, NBO Budget, COGAM

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    Arto Eno

    Senior Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Finland. Responsibilities: East Asian Pacific Countries, Debt Sustainability; Economic Forecasts, Research and Analyses; Trade and Globalization, Small States, Education
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    Sanne Frost Helt

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Denmark. Responsibilities: Africa (Anglophone), Independent Evaluation Group, Gender, Poverty, Jobs and Youth, Health, Scorecard, Agile Banks (including DPL, IL, PforR), CODE
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    Emil Hreggvidsson

    Senior Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Iceland. Responsibilities: Middle East and North African Countries, Fragility and Conflict Prevention, Migration, Partnerships with UN, Human Resources
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    Eivile Cipkute

    Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Lithuania. Responsibilities: Latin America and Caribbean Countries, MIGA, Doing Business, Public Private Partnerships, Procurement, MIGA
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    Anna Dravniece

    Advisor to the Executive Director
    Nationality: Latvia. Responsibilities: European and Central Asian Countries, Governance, Domestic Resource Mobilization and Illicit Financial Flows, Anti-corruption, IFC Strategy and Budget
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    Marianne Charlotte Krey Jacobsen

    Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Norway. Responsibilities: Africa (Francophone), Inspection Panel, Fragility, Partnership with UN on Fragility, Human Rights, Safeguards, CSOs, Global Crisis Response Platform, Trust Funds and Partnerships, CODE
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    Marcus Svedberg

    Advisor to Executive Director
    Nationality: Sweden. Responsibilities: South Asian Countries, Environmentally Sustainable Development, Climate, IFC Development Impact, Innovative Financing Instrument Mobilization
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    Colleen J. Martin

    Senior Executive Assistant
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    Veronica Marchant

    Program Assistant
Executive Director
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Untitled Document \ Iceland Norway Sweden Finland Estonia Latvia Lithuania Denmark

Executive Director
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Allocation of Votes by Organization

Member countries are allocated votes at the time of membership and subsequently for additional subscriptions to capital. Votes are allocated differently in each organization.

IBRD: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of the Bank's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IFC: Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of IFC's capital stock held by the member) plus basic votes (calculated so that the sum of all basic votes is equal to 5.55 percent of the sum of basic votes and share votes for all members).

IDA: Each member receives the votes it is allocated under IDA replenishments according to the rules established in each IDA replenishment resolution. Votes consist of subscription votes and membership votes.

MIGA:  Each member receives votes consisting of share votes (one vote for each share of MIGA's capital stock held by the member) plus parity votes,calculated so that the aggregate number of votes of category 1 and category 2 members is the same. Members choose which category they want to join at the time of membership. Category 1 members were originally defined as developed countries and category 2 members as developing countries.

Voting Status by Executive Director:

Executive Director
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