St. Joseph's Hill Preserve

Major Accomplishments | Budget and Action Plan | Strategic Plan | Measure AA Bond Accountability | Financial Reports: Comprehensive and Popular

Midpen’s primary revenue source is a share of the annual total property tax collected within the District boundaries. Other revenue sources may include federal and state grants, interest and rental income, donations, land gifts and note issues.

Major Accomplishments

The following accomplishments highlight Midpen’s focused efforts on a balanced mission — land acquisition and preservation; natural resources protection and restoration; public access, education and outreach; and for the Coastside, supporting local agriculture.

These extensive and varied accomplishments include major projects to expand public access to preserves, including completing the Ravenswood Bay Trail connection. They also show extensive progress on resource restoration priorities; education and outreach to diverse visitors; collaborative partnerships with other organizations; and the ongoing operational requirements of maintaining nearly 65,000 acres of protected public open space.

On the San Mateo County Coast, accomplishments also include improving agricultural infrastructure to continue the conservation grazing program to protect coastal grasslands and preserving the Coast's rural character and scenic open landscapes. In addition to completing projects on the land, Midpen has also placed significant effort in strengthening the administrative and organizational systems that are necessary to support our mission, now and into the future.

COVID-19 had a major impact on project and program delivery. Field staff operations were limited to essential operations. All group events, permit, volunteer activities were cancelled. All construction activities were shut down or delayed. Many staff efforts were shifted to keeping preserves open as a haven for safe outdoor recreation which was one of the few outlets allowed for the public under shelter in place orders. Midpen saw record visitation levels through the end of the fiscal year and beyond. Field staff has been active managing increased use.

FY20 Accomplishments Report

Highlights Video

Full Report

Budget and Action Plan

The work plan and corresponding funding plan for the coming year that embodies the mission of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District to acquire and preserve a regional greenbelt of open space, protect and restore the natural environment, provide opportunities for low-impact public enjoyment and education, and preserve viable working lands on the Coast.

Budget & Action Plan FY21

Strategic Plan

For the next 15 to 20 years and beyond, Midpen imagines a future that balances the components of our mission: land acquisition and preservation; natural resources protection and restoration; public access, education and outreach; and for the Coastside, supporting local agriculture. The adopted strategic plan will guide decisions to achieve the most beneficial impact with the available resources.

Financial and Operational Sustainability Model

To support Midpen’s commitment to implement Measure AA projects efficiently and effectively while maintaining on-going operations and programs, the agency chose to evaluate its structure, capacity and financial sustainability. The resulting Financial and Operational Sustainability Model (FOSM) Report is a proactive effort to address the changing demands of the organization.  Midpen has already begun implementation of numerous strategic recommendations in the FOSM.

Measure AA Bond Accountability Report

The Measure AA Bond Oversight Committee consists of seven at-large members who reside within the District boundaries. The committee is appointed by Midpen’s board of directors to ensure accountability, transparency and public oversight of all funds collected and allocated under the measure. Learn more about the Measure AA Bond Oversight Committee.

Financial Reports

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report includes introductory, financial and statistical sections and is prepared by the Finance Department, in compliance with the principles and standards for financial reporting established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The financial section includes the audited financial statements and the independent auditor’s report. Prior to FY2016-17, Midpen presented an annual audited financial report.

Popular Annual Financial Report

The PAFR, prepared by the Finance Department, consists of a readily accessible and easily understandable Midpen financial report designed for the general public.