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Home>Projects and Programs>Transit>El Camino Real Bus Rapid Transit Project Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment

El Camino Real Bus Rapid Transit Project Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment

Volume 1

Entire Volume 1 Document* (20MB)

Volume 1 By Section:


Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Purpose and Need

Chapter 3: Project Alternatives

Chapter 4 CEQA Environmental Impact Analysis Chapter 5 NEPA Environmental Assessment

Chapter 6 Section 4(f)

Chapter 7 Agency Coordination

Chapter 8 List of Preparers

Chapter 9 References

Volume 2

Cover and Table of Contents

Appendix A: Notice of Preparation and NOP Commenter List

Appendix B: Conceptual Alignment Drawings

Appendix C: Distribution List

Appendix D: Title VI

Appendix E: Regional Setting

Appendix F: PM2.5 Conformity Documentation

Appendix G: State Historic Preservation Office/Native American Correspondence

Volume 3

Appendix H

*Figure 4.12-4 has been updated to show the correct map