Moving iRoom Computers

Please do not move any computers in the iRoom unless you have explicit permission from CIFE staff.

The procedure for moving the table mounted computers in the iRoom is as follows:

  • The computers must be shutdown properly to avoid possible software failures
    • If the computer is powered up (blue power light on or blinking), press power switch briefly (about 1 second) and a message should come up indicating the the computer is shutting down.  If screen is blank, make sure it is turned on.  If the login (or ctrl-alt-del) screen continues to be displayed, login (using SUnet ID and password), then select shutdown from Start menu.  If none of these work, you may then (and only then) press and hold the power button until the computer turns off (5 to 10 seconds).  Turn off monitors using power switch on front.
  • Once the computers and monitors are powered off, the powerstrip and ethernet cables (if any) should be carefully disconnected from the floor receptacles, and cords placed on top of the table to avoid damage as the table is moved.  Be careful, tables will tip over if mishandled.
  • When your event or activity is over, you must return the tables to the configuration you found them in (normally, 3 rows of 3 tables each), plug in power strips and ethernet cables, you may leave the computers and screens powered off.