
News from Biodesign

October 2015
Pelvalon, a medical device company founded by Miles Rosen (Biodesign Innovation course student of 2010) has been nominated Medical Device Startup of the Year by QB3, the University of California’s premier biotech accelerator.
September 2015
Ross Venook, Biodesign Fellow (2006-07) and current Bioengineering Lecturer, is speaking on "There and Back Again: PHD with Industry Experience and a Non-Tenure line job" in the Bioengineering department at Stanford.
August 2015
Cole Elam Stauffer was born to fellow, Craig Stauffer and his wife, Megan, on 8/28/15. Congrats to all!
August 2015
Anurag Mairal spoke in the Phillipines at the Forum 2015 on Translating Research into Innovation
August 2015
Anurag Mairal, Global Faculty with Biodesign, spoke at the Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health on the Future of Health.
August 2015
We're pleased to announce that Stryker has joined as a sponsor of Biodesign. Welcome!
July 2015
Frank Wang and Michael Feldstein, Fellows from 2014-15, spoke at the University of Tokyo about Biodesign.
July 2015
Elisabeth Wynne, Fellow from 2014-15, spoke at the BioCat event: Innovating in Medtech, Experiences from EU and USA in Barcelona, Spain on July 21.
June 2015
We congratulate and thank the clinical team mentors for this year for their involvement with the Biodesign Fellows teams. From Radiology: Garry Gold, Sam Gambhir for leadership of the 14-15 innovation fellowship. Additional awards were given to the following for mentorship of the fellows: From Radiology: Brian Hargreaves, Shreyas Vasanawala, and Rajesh Shah; from CV Medicine: Mary Bilbao, Rajesh Dash; from Plastic Surgery: Gordon Lee, Derrick Wan, from Comparative Medicine: Donna Bouley, from Pediatrics: Sumit Bhargava, and from Orthopedics: Matthew Smuck.
June 2015
Congratulations to Theo Tam, Felow from 2014-15 and his wife Angela on the birth of their son, Caleb.
June 2015
Congratulations to Todd Murphy, Biodesign Fellow from 2014-15, and wife Alissa, on the birth of their son Pax.
May 2015
Prime Minister Abe of Japan visited Stanford to meet with many Stanford groups and used the opportunity to announce the Japan Biodesign program that we are starting with Tohoku, Tokyo and Osaka Universities.
April 2015
Singapore-Stanford Biodesign and South Korea are collaborating to develop medical technologies.
April 2015
An announcement has come out about our next global program in Japan. Read the Nikkei Asian Review article.
February 2015
James Wall, 2006-07 Biodesign fellow and faculty of the program published an article: Biodesign Process and culture to enable pediatric medical technology innovation in Seminars in Pediatric Surgery. 2015.
January 2015
We're pleased to announce the selection of the 2015-16 Biodesign Innovation Fellows: Michael Carchia, Elise DeVrie, Andrew Ganton, Rachel Gerver,Justin Huelman, Alesandro Larrazabal, Michael Llewellyn, Veronique Peiffer, Shriram Raghunathan, Jonathan Schwartz, Craig Stauffer and Richard Timm. Congratulations and see you in August!
January 2015
Todd Brinton, Fellowship Director for Biodesign, is featured on the Department of Medicine website's Spotlight on Faculty.
December 2014
Todd Brinton, Fellowship Director for Biodesign, was a panelist at the 2014 Bohemian Medical Device Summit in Prague, Czech Republic.
December 2014
Congratulations to our graduating fellows from our global programs: Singapore-Stanford Biodesign graduates Rena Dharmawan, Prusothman Raja, Benjamin Tee and Cecilia Wang; and our Stanford-India Biodesign Program graduates: Anirudh Chaturvedi, Prashant Jha, Abhinav Ramani and Balaji Teegala.
November 2014
We're pleased to announce an in-kind sponsorship with Surpass International, a preclinical services company, who will be offering awards to our fellows for services.
October 2014
A Biodesign Halloween was captured on video.
October 2014
Dr. Thomas Fogarty, one of our Fellowship Sponsors and long-time supporter of the program, was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Obama.
October 2014
Dr. Yock is speaking at the California Healthcare Initiative annual meeting on Leveraging Basic Research Into Therapies and Cures.
October 2014
Dr Paul Yock spoke at the Lean Launchpad initiative at the NIH on Biodesign and needs finding.
September 2014
Paul Yock speaks at TCT 2014. Todd Brinton, Bev Huss and Amir Belson receive the 1st TCT Innovation Competition award for Qool Therapeutics.
September 2014
Dan Azagury, Clinical Faculty in Biodesign, spoke at the 1st Annual European Biomedical Investor's Day event in Barcelona, Spain. Paul Yock gave a video welcome and team Torix Medical took prize for best pitch.
September 2014
Congratulations to Ross Venook, 2006-07 fellow, recently appointed lecturer to Bioengineering to help with the Undergraduate Capstone course, the Biodesign collab and other Bioengineering design facilities.
August 2014
Manu Prakash, funded through our C-IDEA grants for his work on low-cost scientific technologies, has been named One of 35 Innovators Under 35 in MIT Technology Review .
June 2014
Manu Prakash, funded through our C-IDEA grants for his work on low-cost scientific technologies, managed to impress the White House and the NIH with his $5 chemistry set.
June 2014
Varun Boriah and Andy Rink, of Caydian - a company that came out of the 2013-14 fellowship - are now at StartX, the Stanford student incubator. StartX was featured in an NBC news story and video called Silicon Valley Accelerators in Spotlight - see if you can find the Caydian team in the video!
June 2014
Congratulations to two of our incoming fellows: Elizabeth Wynne and WIlliam Kethman, for their acceptance into the BEST training program at IRCAD in Strasbourg, France. They will spend 4 weeks there just prior to joining Biodesign in August.
June 2014
Congratulations to Varun Boriah, Tiffany Chao, Nicholas Damiano, Ryan Krone, Shreya Mehta, Kathryn Olson, Holly Rockweiler, Jonathan Steinberger, and John Woock, our graduating fellows for 2013-14.
May 2014
Dr. Yock, Director of the Biodesign Program, was interviewed for the BigData conference at Stanford. Marta Zanchi, the director of the Mobile Biodesign course, was also interviewed.
May 2014
The Jaipur Knee, a project funded through Biodesign to provide a low-cost prosthetic kneee for India, has now been deployed in 6000 patients.
May 2014
Andrea Mattison has been promoted from Educational Coordinator to Educational Services Manager. Congrats to Andrea!
May 2014
An article features Stanford-India Biodesign in "The Flip Side of Med-Tech Innovation."
May 2014
Welcome to Lightstone Ventures, our latest partner from the venture community.
April 2014
We're happy to announce our Fellows for the 2014-15 fellowship year: Farzad Azimpour, Michael Feldstein, Viral Gandhi, Bronwyn Harris, William Kethman, Andrew McGibbon, Andy Mesher, Christian Moyer, Todd Murphy, Theoderick Tam, Frank Wang and Elisabeth Wynne.
March 2014
Augmedix, a medtech company based on Google Glass technology, announces their series A funding and gives credit to Biodesign in their press release.
March 2014
Christine Kurihara, Sr Assoc Dir for Global and Communication, gave a talk at the NCIIA Conference in San Jose, on Stanford-India Biodesign.
March 2014
Welcome to Thoratec, our latest corporate sponsor.
March 2014
Manu Prakash, Professor of Bioengineering, and recipient of a C-IDEA grant and a Coulter grant from Biodesign, is featured on TED talks describing his $.50 microscope made from paper.
March 2014
Paul Yock will give the Rushmer Lecture at University of Washington Bioengineering Department on March 21, 2014. The talk will be entitled The (radically) changing landscape in biomedical technology innovation.
March 2014
Raj Doshi, Executive Director of the Stanford-India Biodesign (US) program, will be speaking at "The Future of Healthcare" conference in Delhi, India on March 3, 2014.
January 2014
We're fortunate to have the skills and dedication of Dr. Dan Azagury added to our faculty. Dr. Azagury was a Biodesign fellow in 2011-12 and is now on faculty in the Department of Surgery and with Biodesign.
January 2014
Pleased to announce two Innovator's Workbench events for 2014: March 26: Andre-Michel Ballester, CEO, Director and member of Executive Committee, Sorin; May 12: Stanton Rowe and Stan Rabinovich, Founders of Percutaneous Valve Technologies, which was later sold to Edwards. Register now.
December 2013
A veritable feast of licenses were issued at the 7th Annual Indian Medtech Summit in Delhi, India. Congratulations to all of our fellows! Read more.
December 2013
Nish Chasmawala, SIB Fellow from 2008, is quoted in an article entitled Medical Device Makers Look East from Bloomberg Businessweek.
November 18, 2013
Biodesign is pleased to announce that BioInnovate of Ireland has become the first Biodesign Global Affiliate. Welcome! Read the news release.
October 2013
Two students from the Biodesign Innovation class are using Google Glass for doctors with their company Augmedix. Their new company's technology will allow doctors more time with patients.
August 2013
Welcome to Lyn Denend and Chris Queen who have joined the staff of Biodesign. Chris is the new Program Manager, Lyn is Associate Director for Curriculum.
August 2013
Our Singapore-Stanford Biodesign program's recent medical device conference was featured on Channel News Asia.
July 2013
This month we welcome Carl Zeiss to our family of corporate partners.
June 2013
Paul Yock, Jan Pietzsch and Jack Linehan helped plan and host the first BME-IDEA meeting in Europe. Held in Galway at the National University of Ireland, the meeting brought together programs throughout Europe that are modeling some their activities after the Biodesign Program.
May 2013
Transferlife, a bedsheet technology developed by SIB interns, has beenlicensed to MGM Associates, a major supplier for ambulances for government and private hospitals to include in every emergency kit.
April 2013
Dr. Yock was invited to speak at UC Davis for their Maroney-Bryan Distinguished Lecturer on the topic The (Radically) Changing Landscape in Biomedical Technology Innovation.
April 2013
The Global Exchange Team to India in 2012, Abhinav Ramani, Carl Dambkowski, Swami Gnanashanmugam and Eric Chehab, is presenting at the Western Regional International Health Conference on Designing medical devices for India: Constraints and opportunities in a developing nation.
April 2013
Ritu Kamal has been selected to give a Social Enterprise Pitch at the Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale University.
February 2013
Anurag Mairal, Director of the Biodesign Global Exchange program, has been appointed Global Program Leader, Technology Solutions for, an international nonprofit organization that transforms global health through innovation.
February 2013
Anurag Mairal, Director of the Biodesign Global Exchange program, has been appointed as Associate Editor, Special Issue: Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies for the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
February 2013
The Biodesign Faculty have co-authored a paper entitled Outcomes from a Postgraduate Biomedical Technology Innovation Training Program: The First 12 Years of Stanford Biodesign which will appear in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Article is available on the Springer website.
February 2013
Ritu Kamal, Biodesign researcher, posted an article on the Biodesign Alumni blog, which was picked up by MASSDEVICE. The article reviews the recent Ginger Graham talk at our annual Fogarty Lecture.
February 2013
Ashish Nimgaonkar et al published an article this month in Gastroenterology journal entitled Gastroenterology and Biodesign: Contributing to the Future of Our Specialty
February 1, 2013
Biodesign is pleased to announce the selection of the Innovation Fellows for 2013-14:
Varun Boriah, MS – Mechanical Engineering
Tiffany Chao, MD – General Surgery
Nick Damiano, MS – MS&E
Shreya Mehta, MS – Biomedical Engineering
Ryan Krone, PhD – Mechanical Engineering
Kathryn Olson, MS – Bioengineering
Holly Rockweiler, MS – Biomedical Engineering
Jonathan Steinberger, MD – Radiology
Ophir Vermesh, MD – Clinical Pathology
John Woock, PhD – Biomedical Engineering
January 26, 2013
M.K. Bhan was awarded the Padma Bhushan, a high civilian honor given in India. Dr. Bhan, former Secretary of the Department of Biotechnology in the Government of India, was the principal architect, along with Dr. Paul Yock, Dr. Rajiv Doshi, and Dr. Balram Bhargava of the Stanford-India Biodesign program.
January 30, 2013
Our research in barriers to commercialization in India for medtech is highlighted in the latest IEEE Lifesciences newsletter.
January 18, 2013
January 2013 Anurag Mairal, Global Biodesign Faculty, spoke at the IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies.
January 4, 2013
Welcome to Ritu Kamal, our new Global Program Research Project Manager. Ritu will oversee many of our research initiatives in our global program.
December 18, 2012
A Biodesign workshop was held for GE Healthcare in Bangalore in December. The 2012 SIB Fellows, Siraj Bagwan, Jagdish Chaturvedi, Siddhartha Joshi and Jonathan Pillai along with Ritu Kamal, an SIB fellow from 2010, Rajiv Doshi, the Executive Director for SIB and Christine Kurihara, Associate Director for Global Biodesign, gave the one-day workshop for about 25 GE managers.
November 7, 2012
We are pleased to announce that a second license has been obtained for a device from SIB. HLL of India has licensed the Limb Immobilization device invented in 2009 by Darshan Nayak, Pulin Raje, Rahul Ribeiro and Asokan Thondiyath. HLL Lifecare Limited is a Government of India enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The license agreement was executed on November 7, 2012 in Delhi, India.
October 26, 2013
Biodesign is pleased to announce that Boston Scientific has renewed its sponsorship with the program.
October 22, 2012
Paul Yock will be speaking this week on a panel at BMES entitled Integrating Academics, Industry & Translation: From Discovery to Implementation
October 3, 2012
Congratulations to Uday Kumar, Fellow 2005-06 and SIB Faculty, and his wife Rajni, on the birth of their son Rohan.
September 26, 2012
A study, first-authored by Jan Pietzsch, was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and suggests that renal denervation may be a cost-effective method of managing resistant hypertension and may result in a reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the long term.
September 25, 2012
Just published - our first Global Sourcebook Chapters for Singapore. These chapters are addendum to our textbook and cover the healthcare systems, regulatory, reimbursement and IP landscape in our partner countries. First up: Singapore.
August 31, 2012
Welcome to BD Medical - our latest corporate sponsor.
August 27, 2012
Consure Medical, the company founded by Stanford India Biodesign alums Nishith Chasmawala and Amit Sharma, recently received investment from the Indian Innovation Fund, Indian Angel Network and India Venture Partners. The company started out of the SIB fellowship. Congratulations Consure Medical!
August 22, 2012
Randy Hubbell, Worldwide Vice President Marketing at Johnson & Johnson visited the Biodesign Program.
August 20, 2012
Mayo Surgeon visited Stanford Biodesign to learn about our program as they are building their own surgical innovation program.
June 17, 2012
Biodesign and REAP (the Rural Education Action Project) have formed a joint project to study ophthalmological needs in rural China.
June 6, 2012
Congratulations to our three recipients of the Spring, 2012 Global Exchange grants: Manish Butte for a low-cost infection detection device; Vineet Singal for Diabetes Compliance using SMS; and Swami Gnanashanmugam for an implantable device for sustained Tuberculosis therapy.
June 6, 2012
Congratulations to Team Calcula and Team DiaLock for winning the first Robert Howard Award. The award comes with 100 hours of consulting time from Lunar, a local design consulting company. The award is given in honor of Robert Howard, a former employee at Lunar, who passed away in 2011.
June 1, 2012
The paper Medical Device Innovators and the 510(k) Regulatory Pathway: Implications of a Survey-Based Assessment of Industry Experience by Jan Pietzsch, John Linehan and Marta Zanchi was published in the Journal of Medical Devices.
May 15, 2012
Biodesign has received a $120,000 grant from Singapore to further its textbook work - the money will support additional 'sourcebook' chapters that cover Singapore, India and China plus case studies in those areas.
May 8, 2012
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State for the US, visited India this month and was introduced to the Stanford-India Biodesign program and met Balram Bhargava (Exec Director, SIB), Ayesha Chaudhary, Nish Chasmawala and Nitin Sisodia (fellows, SIB). Read the remarks from the event.
April 11, 2012
We have selected our Global Student teams - congrats to the India team: Eric Chehab; Carl Dambkowski; Swami Gnanashanmugam; and Abhinav Ramani and the China team: George Kimutai Korir; Mengli Yang;, Sebastian Echegaray.
March 30, 2012
Congratulations to Dr. Paul Yock, Director of Biodesign, Billy Loo, Asst. Prof, Radiation Ocology and Peter Maxim, Asst. Prof Radiation Ocology for their recent Coulter Grant Award for Pluridirectional High-Energy Agile Scanning Electron Radiotherapy (PHASER.) The grant is for $50,000.
March 28, 2012
Welcome to Intellectual Ventures - our latest sponsor.
March 28, 2012
Our own SIB Fellows, Siddhartha Joshi and Jagdish Chaturvedi, are mentioned on the Huffington Post blogsite.
March 28, 2012
Roger Glass, from the Fogarty International Center of the NIH, visited Biodesign to talk about potential synergies
March 16, 2012
Todd Brinton, Biodesign's Fellowship director, has been promoted to Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine. Congratulations, Dr. Brinton.
March 20, 2012
Paul Yock speaks in the Cardiovascular Institute on Biodesign: Technology Innovation as a Discipline.
March 2012
Stanford-India Biodesign has executed an exclusive worldwide license to commercialize the FI technology between BCIL (the Indian government Dept of Biotechnology's technology transfer organization) and Consure Medical Private Limited. The license will serve as a template for future products emanating from the SIB collaboration. Consure is founded on a device that was invented in the first year of the SIB program.
March 2012
Paul Yock and the Biodesign program are featured in our Office of Technology Licensing's Annual Report. The article entitled "A Teachable Skill?" asks the question: can entrepreneurship be taught? and the answer, at least for Biodesign and several other programs at Stanford, is a resounding yes.
February 2012
Balram Bhargava, Executive Director, Stanford-India Biodesign at AIIMS in India, was interviewed for British radio about Innovation in healthcare. You can hear the interview:


June 22-23, 2012
Paul Yock will speak at the Kauffman Life Science Ventures Summit in Kansas City, Missouri. Brian Fahey, Darin Buxbaum and Marie Johnson, former student and fellows in Biodesign will also be part of a panel there.
February 2012
We're pleased to announce the next Biodesign Innovation Fellows for 2012-13: Tahel Altman, Rush Bartlett, Emma Essock-Burns, John Paderi, Vijaykumar Rajasekhar, Richard Rink, Kathryn Rosenbluth, Ivan Tzvetanov, Ryan Van Wert and Justin Williams. Congratulations and see you in August!
February 28, 2012
Paul Yock speaks at the Rice 360° Initiative Conference at Rice University in Houston, Texas.
February 2012
Paul Yock was invited to speak to the Stanford University Board of Trustees on aspects of entrepreneurship as they are taught at Stanford through the Biodesign program. Read about it in Stanford News.
January 2012
Welcome to Knobbe Martens, our newest Community Sponsor of the Biodesign Program.
December 15, 2011
We are pleased to announce the 2012 Singapore-Stanford Biodesign Fellows: Tze Kiat Ng, Justin Phoon, Luke Tay, and Pearline Teo.
November 18, 2011
Aneesh Chopra, Chief Technology Officer for the USA, spoke about the Stanford-India Biodesign at the World Economic Forum during a 'Special Conversation with Sam Pitroda and Aneesh Chopra.' Discussion about SIB is at 40:53 in the video.
November 16, 2011
Uday Kumar, Global Biodesign Faculty and 2005-06 Fellow, will be briefing Congress on a National Strategy for Competitiveness and Innovation. Others in the briefing include Michael Hess, Vice President of Innovation Excellence, Medtronic; Dr. Frank Douglas, President and CEO, Austen BioInnovation Institute; Dr. Carl J. Schramm, President and CEO, Kauffman Foundation; andDr. Martha Gray, Professor of Medical and Electrical Engineering, Harvard University-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health Sciences and Technology.
November 9, 2011
Biodesign faculty presented at the Trans-Catheter Theraputics Conference(TCT), the world's largest educational meeting specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine, on the Biodesign Innovation Process.
November 1, 2011
Welcome to Artiman Ventures, who has joined our Venture Partners program.
October 24, 2011
Welcome to Athena Reyes, Biodesign's new program assistant - glad to have her on the team!
October 12-13, 2011
Christine Kurihara and Paul Yock help plan and present at the BME-IDEA meeting in Hartford, CT in conjunction with BMES.
September 2011
Paul Yock is one of three faculty featured in a highlight video from the GSB Healthcare Summit from May 11, 2011.
September 2011
Sid Sinha, Biodesign Fellow 2010-12, and Michele Barry, Dean of Global Health in the Stanford School of Medicine, published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine's Health Policy and Reform magazine: Health Technologies and Innovation in the Global Health Arena. The article features technology that was done in the Stanford-India Biodesign program. The article was also featured in the School of Medicine SCOPE blog.
August 2011
Ireland has initiated their new Biodesign-like program as a joint project across 5 universities. Dr. Mark Bruzzi, of University of Ireland, Galway, spent 3 months with Biodesign learning our teaching methods. He will now head up the new BioInnovate program in Ireland.
August 2011
Matthew Callaghan will be presenting his inventions at the Taipei International Invention Show on Sept 29.
July 20, 2011
Science Translation magazine published an article by Professors Yock, Brinton and Zenios on Teaching Biomedical Technology Innovation as a Discipline.
July 31, 2011
We've received a grant from St Jude Medical.
June 28, 2011
Read our Annual Report, 2010
June 21, 2011
Uday Kumar, faculty in Biodesign and Fellow, 2005-06, and Matthew Callaghan, Fellow 2008-2010, participated in a call for a new strategy for device innovation in the U.S. The initiative, entitled A New National Device Innovation Strategy Based on "Value-driven Engineering." Leaders within the U.S. biomedical device industry unveiled a national strategy to apply "Value-driven Engineering" (VdE) to enhance the development of devices with great clinical utility, quality and cost efficiency and reduced complexity. VdE will become a key component of the nation's drive to bolster its "bioinnovation economy," maintain global competitiveness, and assure access to device innovation that improves human health, the leaders said. Read the resulting white paper.
June 21, 2011
Dr. Paul Yock will participate on a team in Faculty College, a new initiative at Stanford to train faculty in designing team-taught courses. Stanford will provide the faculty teams with the space, time and resources to create new courses, to make a major change to a department's curriculum or to establish new cross-disciplinary teaching endeavors. Dr. Yock's team is working on a Bioengineering Undergraduate Design Project: The Department of Bioengineering wants to develop an emphasis on design in multiple classes in the Bioengineering major. Along with Dr. Yock the team members are: Christina Smolke, bioengineering; Drew Endy, bioengineering; and David Camarillo, bioengineering.
June 8, 2011
Congratulations to our 2010-11 Biodesign Innovation Fellows who are graduating. The nine are Michael Ackermann, Joelle Barral, Brandon Felkins, Victor McCray, Ashish Nimgaonkar, Ravi Pamnani, Michael Schaller, Sidhartha Sinha, and Garrett Smith.
June 8, 2011
We say goodbye to our Singapore and India Fellows who are moving back to their respective countries to complete their fellowships in those settings. Departing SIB fellows: Avijit Bansal, Ayesha Chaudhary, Mridusmita Choudhury, and Chinmay Deodhar; and SSB Fellows: Henry Ho, Fiona Loke, Iris Tan, and Anthony Tang.
May 24, 2011
Jan Pietzsch (Global Biodesign Faculty) and John Linehan (Consulting Faculty) have completed an in-depth analysis of the FDA's 510(k) regulatory pathway--through which more than 90% of medical devices receive clearance--and of industry's practices within it. The study is the most comprehensive survey to date about the 510(k) process. The findings were presented at a news conference at the National Press Club. The project was funded by InHealth.
June 27-30, 2011
Paul Yock will be part of the faculty teaching at a BMES TeachingLab sponsored by NCIIA at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
May 13, 2011
Todd Brinton spoke at FutureMed on the Biodesign Program.
May 11, 2011
Paul Yock will participate in a panel at the GSB Healthcare Summit. Several fellows from Biodesign will also be giving talks.
May 9, 2011
Stanford announces the receipt of a $10M endowment from the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation. The endowment is matched by $10M from the President's office. The resultant $20M will be used to fund projects in translational research in Bioengineering. Biodesign will help manage the funding program. See article on Med School website: Coulter Foundation and Stanford establish $20 million endowment for bioengineering projects to fill medical needs.
April 22, 2011
Uday Kumar, faculty in the SIB program and alumni fellow, will be speaking at Promoting Biomedical Innovation and Economic Value: New Models for Reimbursement and Evidence Development at The Brookings Institution.
April 2011
We're pleased to announce our selection for the Stanford-India Biodesign Interns for 2011. They are
1. Prashant Soni : MTech Material Science, IIT Bombay, (Sponsored by Stryker)
2. Megha Agrawal: MTech Biomed Engg, IIT Bombay, (Sponsored by Stryker)
3. Nitin Aggarwal: BTech ENTC Engg, BITS Dubai, (Currently working with CBME, IIT Delhi)
4. Pragun Goyal: BTech CS, IIT Delhi ( Hearing Screener Device Project
5. Reshma Maurya: BTech Bio Engg, MDES, IIT Kanpur
6. Chandini Kabra: BDES, Symbiosis
7. Sonakshi Pandey: BDES, Symbiosis
8. Vishal Agale: BDE
9. Ramakanteshwara Rao: MBBS, (Pursuing MTech in Biomed from IIT Kharagpur)
March 19, 2011
Brandon Felkins and Victor McCray were part of a Med School 101 event for teens at Stanford School of Medicine. The event is held annually by the School to encourage students to consider careers in Medicine. Our two fellows spoke about the Biodesign program and the opportunities it presents to med students at Stanford.
March 16, 2011
Matthew Callaghan, 3rd Year Fellow, and Uday Kumar, Global faculty, attended the Value-driven Engineering and U.S. Global Competitiveness Safe Haven Summit in Washington, D.C. Leaders from industry, academia and the public and private sectors are calling for the creation of a public-private coalition as part of a roadmap for the biomedical sector and to retain the United States' lead in medical device development and innovation.
March 1, 2011
We're pleased to announce that Olympus Corporation has joined as a corporate sponsor.
February 23, 2011-March 2, 2011
EWeek features two Biodesign events including a "From the Innovator's Workbench" and a MedTech Job Fair.
February 22, 2011
Biodesign has just released a series of video tutorials on the regulatory environment in the U.S. The videos feature an interview format where Paul Yock, Director of Biodesign, interviews two regulatory experts on what it takes to get a device through the FDA. The site is featured on the SCOPE blog from the School of Medicine.
February 21, 2011
Matthew Callaghan, and the team behind the low-cost ventilator, were featured in Stanford School of Medicine news and the Stanford homepage.
February 17, 2011
Anurag Mairal will be presenting to the NIH at the Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences. He'll be speaking under the 'Framework Programs for Global Health Signature Innovations Initiative' about C-IDEA and Biodesign's role in developing low cost technologies for global needs.
January 24, 2011
This year's "From the Innovator's Workbench"events have been finalized. We'll be hosting the Foundry on March 1 and Ezekiel Emanuel on May 10. More information is available on our Workbench page.
January 18, 2011
We are pleased to announce the selection for the 2011-2012 Biodesign Innovation Fellows: Kate (Walsh) Garrett, Dan Azagury, Buzz Bonneau, David Gal, Swami Gnanashanmugam, Jonathan Coe, Jeremy Koehler, Insoo Suh and Jasmine Zia. Congratulations to all!
March 25-26, 2011
Todd Brinton and the 2011 Innovation Fellows will be speaking at Fostering Innovation and Technology in Digestive and Metabolic Diseases Conference.
Jan 6, 2011
We're happy to be in new 'digs' in the new Business School complex. Our Bioe 374/OIT 581 class is now held in the Knight Management Center.
Jan 4, 2011
We were happy to welcome Dr. Ralph Eichler, President of ETH, Zurich, Switzerland to Biodesign for a visit. He was joined by Dr. Larry Leifer and Dr. Martin Steinert, from Stanford's Center for Design Research and Dr. Christian Simm, Executive Director Swissnex, SF.
Jan 3, 2011
Happy New Year! We welcome our newest Fellows to Biodesign. the Stanford-India Biodesign fellows are Avijit Bansal, Ayesha Chaudhary, Mridusmita Choudhury and Chinmay Deodhar; the Singapore-Stanford Biodesign fellows are Henry Ho, Fiona Loke, Iris Tan, Anthony Tang.
December 16, 2010
GE Healthcare Partners with Embrace to Help Address Infant Mortality in Rural India Through Affordable Infant Warmer.
December 10,11 2010
The 4th Annual SIB-sponsored Indian Medtech Summit was held in Delhi, India. Speakers included Dr. Paul Yock, Dr. MK Bhan and Dr. Kasturirangan, famed space scientist. Over 200 people joined together to discuss the future of medtech in India and how to create the necessary infrastructure to allow entrepreneurs to thrive.
December 13, 2010
A press release from the School of Medicine announced an NIH grant for global med programs at Stanford, which includes funding for Biodesign. Led by Dr. Michele Barry, Dean of Global Programs in the School of Medicine, the new grant will give students and fellows the opportunity to work on needs from our global programs.
November 22, 2010
D.R. Mehta, Founder and Chief Patron of Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (home of the Jaipur Foot), visited with Biodesign. He reported that well over 2000 knees have now been installed. The knee was designed by Stanford students in Tom Andriacchi's class, using seed funds from Biodesign and Armand Neukermans, who was also at the visit.
November 19, 2010
The Wall Street Journal reports on a survey conducted by Josh Makower that assesses the U.S. regulatory process as “unpredictable, inefficient and expensive.”
November 15, 2010
We are pleased to announce the selection of the 2011 Singapore-Stanford Biodesign Fellows: Henry Ho, Fiona Loke,Iris Tan, and Anthony Tang. Congratulations to all!
October 31, 2010
Congratulations to Joëlle Barral, 2010-11 Fellow, on the birth of her son, Alexandre James Laligand.
October 30, 2010
Ritu Kamal, 2009 Stanford-India Biodesign Fellow, will be speaking at TEDx in Mumbai, India.
October 26, 2010
The Turkish Minister of Industries and Trade visited Biodesign to discuss commercialization strategies that are used in our various grant programs such as CTSA and Coulter.
October 25, 2010
Dr. Tom Krummel, the Emile Holman Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery, Susan B. Ford Surgeon-in-Chief at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital and Co-Director of Biodesign, was elected the President of James IV Association of Surgeons, which was founded in 1957 to develop closer ties between surgeons and to sponsor visiting fellowships for outstanding young surgeons. Congratulations to Dr. Krummel.
October 25, 2010
Dr. Mike Longaker, the Deane P. and Louise Mitchell Professor and, by courtesy, Professor of Bioengineering and of Materials Science and Engineering, has been named the Co-Director of the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Longaker is an affiliate faculty with Biodesign. Congratulations.
October 17, 2010
Biodesign was used as a case study in the Winterhouse Symposium on Design Education and Social Change held October 17-19 in Falls Village CT.
October 1, 2010
We are happy to announce that Covidien has joined as a Biodesign sponsor.
September 13, 2010
Mr. Aneesh Chopra, Chief Technology Officer for the U.S. Government, appointed by Barack Obama, visited the SIB Centre at AIIMS. A booklet describing the SIB program was produced for the visit- download it!
September 28, 2010
Biodesign faculty will be again presenting at the Trans-Catheter Theraputics Conference(TCT), the world's largest educational meeting specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine, on the Biodesign Innovation Process.
September 28-29, 2010
Anurag Mairal, Associate Director for the Stanford-India Biodesign program, is co-chairing several session at IMD Expo 2010- the International Medical Device Conference
September 7, 2010
Anurag Mairal, Associate Director for the Stanford-India Biodesign program, will be speaking at "Biotech and the Global Marketplace: Opportunities in India" sponsored by EPPIC, TiE, USIBC , BayBio and UC-Commercial Service.
August 2, 2010
We are pleased to announce the selection of our Stanford-India Biodesign Fellows for 2011: Avijit Bansal, Ayesha Chaudhary, Mridusmita Choudhury, and Chinmay Deodhar. The new fellows will join the program in January, 2011.
July 19, 2010
Biodesign is partnering with the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) to offer innovation training as part of CHCF's Health Care Leadership Program.
July 17, 2010
Anurag Mairal, Associate Director for the Stanford India Biodesign program, hosted a webinar on Healthcare Crisis: Can Today's MBAs be Part of the Solution? Panelists included individuals from Harvard, Penn, Northwestern, Berkeley, Stanford, and Duke's business schools.
July 1, 2010
We're happy to announce the addition of a specialty fellow for the 2010-2011 Biodesign Innovation fellowship. Congratulations to Ashish Nimgaonkar.
June 14, 2010
Josh Makower, Consulting Associate Professor in Biodesign, testified for the Institute of Medicine today to discuss the challenges of building a successful medical technology company in today's regulatory and political environment.
June 9, 2010
We are happy to welcome Lunar to our list of supporters of Biodesign. They provide in kind services to our students and fellows both here and abroad.

We'd also like to welcome Maquet to our list of corporate sponsors.
June 8, 2010
Congratulations to our graduating fellows: Pedram Afshar, Ellis Garai, Partha Ray, Sandra Ruggles, Akhi Sista, Aravind Swaminathan, Fletcher Wilson and Rhunjay (James) Yu (all first years), Greg Magee, Avi Roop, Kevin Chao and Matthew Callaghan (all second years).
May 19, 2010
Josh Makower speaks in the Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders seminar, sponsored by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.
May 14-15, 2010
Paul Yock will be speaking at TIECon, the Entrepreneurship Conference.
May 1, 2010
Welcome to SV Life Science Partners - our newest Venture Partner.
April 4, 2010
Check out our latest newsletter, for Spring, 2010
February 14, 2010
Congratulations to our own Andrea (Daniel) Mattison on her marriage!
February 9, 2010
Over 1800 copies of our book, Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies, have been sold, on an initial print run of 2500, in the first four months of sales.
February 8, 2010
We are happy to announce that Johnson & Johnson has agreed to continue funding Biodesign for the next five years. Our thanks to the many divisions who have partnered to make this support possible.
February 5, 2010
We are pleased to announce the selection of the 2010-2011 Biodesign Innovation Fellows: Michael Ackermann, Joelle Barral, Brandon Felkins, Victor McCray, Ravi Pamnani, Michael Schaller, Sidhartha Sinha, and Garrett Smith. Congratulations to all!
February 5, 2010
Paul Yock and Tom Krummel will be speaking at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council. The event will be held May 22-26, 2010 at the Hilton, San Francisco.
January 29, 2010
Paul Yock participated in a panel discussion in Singapore on The New Global Context for Technology Innovation.
January 29, 2010
Biodesign announces a new global program: Singapore-Stanford Biodesign. The new program will encompass a fellowship and courses in Singapore in the teaching of the Biodesign program. The fellowship, modeled after our Stanford-India Biodesign fellowship, will include six months at Stanford and six months to one year in Singapore to do needs finding and device innovation in an Asian setting. Applications for the fellowship will open in Summer, 2010 for start in 2011.
January 26, 2010
Paul Yock participated in UCSF's Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences' conference entitled, Picking up the Pace of Therapeutics Research and Application. He spoke on the Biodesign Program.
January 14, 2010
Experien Group has joined our list of Community Partners - welcome to them!
January 4, 2010
We welcome Terumo Medical as one of our corporate partners.
December 16, 2009
Acclarent, a company started by Josh Makower, founder of the Biodesign Innovation Fellowship, has been sold to J&J for a reported $785M. Congratulations to Dr. Makower and the Acclarent team.
December 7, 2009
Paul Yock is selected to help establish a new prize in the School of Medicine. The Dr. George Rosenkranz Prize will be given to a non-tenured professor, post-doctoral student or research associate during a two-year period. Dr. Yock will serve on the initial selection committee and act as a mentor to the recipients of the prize.
November 23, 2009
Bilal Shafi, Fellow 05-06, is featured in Sally Ride Sciences' Cool Careers in Biotechnology, a booklet aimed at Middle School and High School students promoting careers in the Life Sciences.
October 13, 2009
We would like to welcome Olympus as a new partner for Biodesign.
October 13, 2009
Paul G. Yock participated in an AdvaMed 2009 session entitled Health Businesses, Healthy Lives: Growing Medical Technologies in Post-Reform Era. How should medtech companies reevaluate their strategies and methods for product development in light of health reform.
October 7, 2009
Biodesign presented at the BME-IDEA meeting this year in Pittsburgh, PA. BME-IDEA is an alliance of academic programs that have an interest in Biomedical Engineering with an additional focus in Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship. Paul Yock discussed the innovation fellowship and course and introduce the new textbook. Christine Kurihara presented, the website that has been built to accompany the book.
October 6, 2009
Edwards Life Sciences will have a Meet & Greet where Stanford students can learn more about Edwards and discover what makes them the global leader in cardiovascular therapy.
September, 2009
Biodesign Fellows complete bootcamp at the dschool.
September, 2009
Vinesh Narayan, Megan McClain, and Zaafir Kherani of the ME 382 prosthetic arm team and ReMotion Designs visited the Jaipur clinic from August 24th to the first of September to present their work on the low-cost prosthetic elbow and conducted a trial fitting. They also collected data regarding the ongoing field testing of the Jaipur Knee and conducted user interviews. Over 300 knee joints have been fitted to date with multiple new fittings every day. Several elbow joints were also tried during the visit.
September 21, 2009
Biodesign at TCT! This year, for the first time, Biodesign is running The Biodesign Innovation Workshop at the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Meeting in San Francisco. See complete program at the TCT website.
September, 2009
We'd also like to announce that Voyage Medical is also now a Community Partner.
September, 2009
We're pleased to welcome Longitude Capital as a Venture Partner for Biodesign.
September, 2009
Stanford-India Biodesign is featured prominently in the latest edition of Connect, the newsletter from the Indo-US Science & Technology Forum.
August, 2009
We are excited to announce that the textbook, Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies, is being published on October 1, 2009 by Cambridge University Press. The book will include 29 chapters of content that describe the Biodesign process from Needs Finding and Screening through to Business Modeling and Licensing. A companion website: will also be launched at that time to accompany the book and will host the "Getting Started" section of each chapter of the book with active links as well as video and links to other resources. You can pre-order the book now at Cambridge University Press.
July, 2009
Biodesign is privileged to have been given a substantial grant from the California HealthCare Foundation to study needs in Safety Net hospitals. Two of our second year fellows: Avi Roop and Kevin Chao, will be going out to various healthcare facilities to perform needs finding with cost reducation as a primary focus.
July, 2009
The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation announced that it is partnering with the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health in awarding a grant to create a Pediatric Medical Device Innovation fellowship team at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The team is comprised of two Biodesign Fellows, an engineer and a surgical resident, who will explore innovative ways to bring pediatric medical devices to market.
July, 2009
We are pleased to announce the incoming 2009-2010 Biodesign Innovation Fellows: Pedram Afshar, Ellis Garai, Partha Ray, Sandra Ruggles, Akhi Sista, Aravind Swaminathan, Fletcher Wilson and Rhunjay (James) Yu. Congratulations and welcome to Biodesign. Fellows will begin on August 3.
June, 2009
Stage-Gate Process for the Development of Medical Devices, an article by Jan Pietzsch, Lauren Shluzas, Elisabeth Pate-Cornell, Paul Yock and John Linehan has been published in the June 2009 issue of the Journal of Medical Devices. The discussed model was constructed based on best-practice analysis and interviews with more than 85 seasoned experts actively involved in the development, commercialization, regulation, and use of medical devices. Read more about it at the In Health website.
June, 2009
Jan Pietzsch has joined the advisory faculty of Biodesign. Jan is a consulting assistant professor in Management Science & Engineering in the School of Engineering at Stanford. Jan specializes in probabilistic systems analysis and innovation management relating to medical devices.
May 5, 2009
We welcome HLM Venture Partners as our latest member to support Biodesign.
April 7, 2009
Paul Yock joins 49 other faculty members to author an article on Health Reform published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The article, Toward a 21st-Century Health Care System: Recommendations for Health Care Reform, provides 8 recommendations to government on how health care reform should be managed.
April 7, 2009
Applications are now open for the SIB Fellowship. See more on the SIB page.
March 11, 2009
Josh Makower participated in Med School 101, a program for high school students put on by the medical school's Office of Communication and Public Affairs. Read more about the program.
February 25, 2009
Today we announced the winners of the Bike Safety Invention Challenge. Details are available through the bike challenge website. The Stanford Report also wrote an article about the results.
February 1, 2009
We are pleased to announce that Ronald Dollens, former president of Guidant, has joined the list of supporters of Biodesign Innovation Fellowships.
January 12, 2009
New Multi-discplinary FellowshipThe Multi-Disciplinary Training Program in Cardiovascular Imaging @ Stanford (CVIS) will train 4 post-doctoral fellows from MD and PhD backgrounds together over a two-year period beginning July 2009, combining CV imaging research with a structured educational program. Applications are due February 23, 2009
January 8, 2009
Announcing 2009 Workbench We are pleased to announce the first two "From the Innovator's Workbench" events: Hira Thapliyal on March 10 and Fred Khosravi on April 1. Registration is now open for both events.
January 8, 2009
Ari Chaney Joins Biodesign Please join us in welcoming Ari Chaney to Biodesign in the capacity of Executive Director for Technology Translation.
January 5, 2009
Welcome to the new Stanford-India Biodesign Fellows. It's the second year of the fellowship and spending six months at Stanford for 2009 are: Darshan Nayak, Pulin Raje, Rahul Ribeiro, and Asokan Thondiyath.
January 5, 2009
We are pleased to welcome Dorsey & Whitney as a community partner. We appreciate their support.
December 14, 2008
Manju Sharma and M.K. Bhan, officials in the Indian government, attended the opening ceremony and officially 'cut the ribbon' to open the Stanford-India Biodesign Centre at the All India Institute for Medical Sciences. Fellows gave presentations of working prototypes of their latest medical device technology designs to a crowd of about 50 attendees. The following day, December 15, was the 2nd annual MedTech Summit.
December, 2008
Biodesign is pleased to announce the hiring of Taylor Bui in the position of Education Coordinator. In this capacity, Taylor will help coordinate the Biodesign Innovation course and fellowship.
November 13, 2008
Over 15 companies and 175 students participated in our bi-annual Medtech Career Fair. We also held a panel discussion with leaders from industry who discussed what companies are looking for in the current workforce.
October 28, 2008
Biodesign launches the 2008 Invention Challenge: Bicycle Safety! Partnering with Parking & Transportation, Biodesign is offering major prizes for teams of students that invent devices, equipment, methods or processes that prevent or mitigate bicycle injury. Deadline for registering: December 1, 2008. Submissions due: February 6, 2009. See more on our challenge website.
October 21, 2008
Raj Doshi and Anurag Mairal, both associated with the Stanford-India Biodesign Program, will be featured at the October 21 meeting of TIE (The Indus Entrepreneur) and EPPIC, presenting "An Overview of the Indian Medical Technology Industry"
September 23, 2008
Paul Yock chaired a session at the Advamed 2008 meeting in Washington, DC.
August 28, 2008
Biodesign welcomes Bay City Capital as a new Venture Partner. We are grateful for their support of Biodesign.
August 28, 2008
Biodesign welcomes new partners: Cooley Godward Kronish and Synergy Life Science Partners. We thank them for their support of the program.
July 21, 2008
Welcome to the new fellows Eight fellows joined Biodesign today in the Biodesign Innovation Fellowship. Drop by and meet them when you're on campus or nearby. They are Joelle Abra, Jake Brenner, Matthew Callaghan, Kevin Chao, Greg Magee, Erika Palmer, Ruey Peh, and John Avi Roop.
July 21, 2008
New Alumni News page launched. Find out how Biodesign Alumni fellows and students are doing. Also, see a list of companies that have been started from Biodesign innovations.
July 22, 2008
Biosynergy magazine features Stanford Biodesign. Read the article. (pdf)
June 26, 2008
Dr. Ambumani Ramdoss, Honorable Health and Family Welfare Minister, Government of India, visited Stanford University. He stopped by Biodesign to hear about our India program.
June 25, 2008
The Biodesign-sponsored project in Tom Andriacchi's Medical Device course for the 2007-08 academic year was a prosthetic knee designed to meet the needs of the medically-underserved. The resulting device can be manufactured for around $30. The device was designed under the auspices of the Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS) in Jaipur, India, home of the renowned Jaipur prosthetic foot.
June 10, 2008
Congratulations to the Graduating Fellows for the 07-08 and 06-08 fellowship years: Venita Chandra, Zachary Edmonds, Brian Fahey, Marie Guion-Johnson, Dorothea Koh, Nandan Lad, Beverly Tang, Jamie van Hoften, and James Wall. Our best to all of them in their future careers as innovators! Fellows David Boudreault and Ronald Jou will remain in Biodesign for the second year of their two-year fellowship.
June 5, 2008
John Linehan, PhD., Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Medicine of Northwestern University and Consulting Professor for Biodesign chaired a daylong session on developing medical technology at the MD&M East Conference. Through InHealth funding, researchers from the Biodesign program documented these pathways and differentiated them from drug development. Innovative biomedical technologies require recognition of opportunity, assessment of need and market potential, and knowledge of critical first steps in the invention, patenting, early prototyping, and development of concepts. Lead investigator Jan Pietzsch also presented.
May 1, 2008
Stefanos Zenios, Professor of Business and Biodesign faculty, recently co-authored "Cost-effective Medical Treatment: Putting an Updated Dollar Value on Human Life," in Knowledge@Wharton. From Wharton: "New research from Wharton and Stanford based on Medicare kidney dialysis data shows that the average figure -- $129,090 per additional year of quality life -- is higher than prior studies have shown. Perhaps more important, the study also puts a value on the cost-effectiveness of treatment across percentiles of the entire dialysis population in an attempt to develop a benchmark for health care coverage decisions." Read the entire Wharton article.
April 14, 2008
InHealth and AIMBE presented A Road Map for Device and Diagnostic Innovation: Opportunities for Industry and Regulators held Wednesday April 30 in Gaithersburg, MD. Jan Pietzsch, John Linehan and Josh Makower presented. In a landmark study funded by a grant from InHealth, a team based at Stanford University’s Biodesign Program has documented the device development process and differentiated it from pharma. In doing so, investigators met with representatives of industry and of the FDA. This seminal work presents the most comprehensive picture of device development ever completed and reveals opportunities and challenges for all.
April 2, 2008
Marie Guion-Johnson, Biodesign Innovation Fellow, spent 4 weeks in India over her 'externship' time for her fellowship. Her efforts in India included assessing processes in the Aravind Eye Hospital. Her final report suggested several new process improvements which will be implemented over the next year.
April 2, 2008
We are pleased to announce the 2008-2009 Biodesign Innovation Fellows: Jake Brenner, Kevin Chao, Greg Magee, Matthew Callaghan, Ruey Peh, Joelle Abra, John Avi Roop, Erika Palmer. Congratulations to all!
March 13, 2008
Venita Chandra and James Wall, second year fellows in Biodesign, recently completed a chapter in a new book entitled "Robotics in General Surgery." See more info.
February 22-29, 2008
Entrepreneurship Week at Stanford is being held with sponsorship from Biodesign and other entrepreneurship programs throughout Stanford. Events are free and open to all students, parents, alumni and members of the greater Stanford community.
February 12, 2008
Biodesign announces its slate of Workbench Innovators. Read more about the series on the workbench page.
January 17, 2008
Summer Job Search Strategies for Engineering & Science Students.
January 15, 2008
Artiman Ventures becomes Partner We welcome Artiman Ventures as one of our Venture Partners supporting the efforts of Biodesign.
January 10, 2008
Biodesign publishes review of device regulation Researchers in Biodesign have released a review of the background, mission and statutory requirements of medical device regulation in the United States.
January 5, 2008
Welcome to our new Fellows Our newly launched Stanford-India Biodesign program welcomes its first set of fellows: Nish Chasmawala, Srini Jaggu, Jayant Karve, Amit Sharma and Sandeep Singh.
December 20-21, 2007
Stanford-India Biodesign hosts the first ever Medical Technology Summit in Delhi, India. Over 40 professionals participated from many areas of the medical device arena, including education, government industry and NGO. The summit was intended to catalyze the community to address needs in the development of device technology for India.
December 11 , 2007
Biodesign has partnered with the Stanford Entrepreneurship Network’s “Coaches on Call” program to provide entrepreneurial Stanford students with access to outside experts from a variety of related fields. Biodesign hosted Tom Rodgers from Advanced Technology Ventures during the fall quarter launch of the program. Ellen Koskinas from InterWest Partners and Mika Mayer with Morrison & Foerster will host sections on medical device venture capital and life sciences intellectual property, respectively in February. Coaches on Call is for Stanford students only. For more info, please see
December 10 , 2007
Paul Yock is quoted in an article about Med Tech innovation in Design News. “The successful, effective people in medical technology invention start with a clinical need and understand how important it is. That is more than half of the secret to successful inventing.” The article, Getting Started in Medical Design, features the essential steps in developing products for one of the OEM's fastest-growing - and toughest - markets.
December 3, 2007
StemCor, a company started by Daniel Kraft a former Biodesign student, was recently featured in the San Jose Mercury News in an article entitled "Stanford startup develops novel bone marrow mining device" Read the article at the SJMerc site.
November 13, 2007
Dean Kamen inventor of the Segway and other medical technology innovations, is being featured in our first "From the Innovator's Workbench" of the season. November 13, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm.
October 19, 2007
Fogarty Lecture featuring Casey McGlynn, Member, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati speaking on FOCUS ON INNOVATION: The Innovator's Journey -- Lessons for the Entrepreneur. Clark Center Auditorium, 4-5pm. Open to the public.
October, 2007
Biodesign has consolidated several websites into one, to allow for our resources to be found in one place. We welcome former (Biodesign Network) users - the network is now here!
September 26, 2007
The Stanford Biodesign Program and Stanford Career Development Center invite you to a special career fair for students and alumni seeking jobs and internships in the medical device industry. The event will be held in the Oak West Lounge in the Tresidder Student Union on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 from 3 pm to 6 pm.
August 22, 2007
Venita Chandra and James Wall, Second Year Innovation Fellows, will be giving a presentation about the Biodesign Innovation Program at MDDExpo 2007 :Santa Clara Convention Center, September 18-19, 2007. They will be discussing ways to identify new opportunities for innovation, to assess clinical needs and market potential and to take the critical first steps in the invention, patenting, early prototyping, and development of new concepts.
August 10, 2007
We recently hosted D.R. Mehta and Armand Neukermans at the Biodesign Program. D.R. Mehta is the Founder and Patron of Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti, a resource in Jaipur, India that provides prosthetics to patients for free. Armand Neukermans is founder of Telcor and a patron of the Center that D.R. Mehta founded. D.R. Mehta has agreed to be on the advisory board for Stanford India Biodesign.
July 16, 2007
The applications are now closed for the Stanford-India Biodesign Fellowship. We received over 300 applications.
July 1, 2007
Welcome to the incoming Biodesign Innovation Fellows. Surgical Fellows join on 7/1/07; all others are here 7/23/07. We have 11 new fellows this year joining our two resident second year Surgical Fellows: Venita Chandra and James Wall.
June 26, 2007
Institute for Pediatric Innovation launches in Cambridge, MA; Biodesign is consulting with the group and it may involve Lucile Packard Children's Hospital soon.
June 19, 2007
Congratulations to the Graduating Fellows for the 06-07 and 05-07 fellowship years: Stephen Eichmann, Joel Goldsmith, Basil Hantash, Zach Malchano, David Meister, Carlos Mery, Oscar Miranda-Dominguez, Santiago Ocejo, Bilal Shafi, Tatum Tarin, Richard Vecchiotti, Ross Venook, Kenneth Wu. Our best to all of them on their future careers as innovators!
June 12, 2007
The Emerging Entrepreneurs two-day workshop is coming October 5-6! Apply now for a spot at this dynamic and exciting event. Seats are limited.
June 4, 2007
White Team Fellows in Finals for Boomers Competition
The White Team (Venita Chandra, Rich Vecchiotti, Tatum Tarin, Ross Venook, Joel Goldsmith) has been selected as a finalist in the BoomerVentures competition through Santa Clara University. They were selected from 12 semi-finalists to move to the next stage. Winners will be announced June 19. Grand Prize is $10,000.
May 31 , 2007
New Website Launched
May 31, 2007
Stanford-India Biodesign Program
The Government of India announces our new joint program. Read the Indian Press Release, Read our Press Release
May 31, 2007
Fellowship Application for Fellowship Year 2008-09 now open
May, 2007
Team Wins Award
Congrats to the LaserSeal team of Dr. Milana Trounce, Avishai Shoham, Kristen Gasior and Adam de la Zerda on their award at Women 2.0 conference. Their device promises faster, cleaner wound closures in the operating room with laser technology
March 26, 2007
Read our latest Newsletter
November, 2006
The Graduate School of Business Magazine features Stanford Biodesign in an article entitled "Crossing Disciplines to Breed Biomed Ideas."
November, 2005
Paul Yock is interviewed in the book "The Medical Device R&D Handbook," edited by Ted Kuclick.