
At Biodesign, our goal is to improve patient care by producing the innovators who invent life-enhancing and potentially life-saving medical devices, techniques and related technology.

Biodesign is both a program and a process.

The breadth of knowledge in the life and physical sciences has grown exponentially, while technology has become increasingly complex. At the same time, the business of delivering quality health care has become increasingly difficult and expensive. Creating new, cost-effective medical devices that improve patient care requires a collaborative approach that focuses on the needs of patients, physicians and the health care industry as a whole. At Biodesign, we are refining a method that produces both world-class innovators and state-of-the-art medical devices.

Graduation-Kate and Insoo

The Biodesign program…

…is a thematic area within Bio-X, a Stanford University initiative encouraging multidisciplinary approaches to biology and medicine.

…is dedicated to producing leaders in medical technology. Through courses, fellowships and one-on-one advising, Biodesign faculty and staff teach the basics of:

  • Innovation
  • Technology Transfer
  • Challenges of the changing healthcare landscape

…organizes events that foster and facilitate collaborations between the university and industry leaders in the service of both education and technology innovation. .

Biodesign works closely with the Bioengineering Department; Dr. Paul Yock, Director of Biodesign, was the founding co-chair.

The Biodesign process…

…embodies the spirit of collaboration behind Bio-X, emphasizing a team-based approach to biomedical engineering. Courses and fellowship teams are composed of graduate students from medicine, business and engineering.

…is based on the premise that innovation can be taught, learned and practiced.

…is an experiential teaching method used in our year-long fellowship programs. Multi-disciplinary teams are led through three well-defined stages:

  • Identify
  • Invent
  • Implement

All Biodesign fellows2012

Further Information

Read more about the Biodesign Program in a perspective and history. You can also read our credo.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ.

Several other 'biodesign-like' programs have been started across the U.S. and internationally. Read more about these programs.

Dr. Paul Yock, Director of Biodesign, talks about the Bioengineering Department and how Biodesign fits in.