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Manager Best Practices


To help your new hire feel prepared, informed and work ready, consider these manager best practices for onboarding.

Best Practice Suggested Timing
Contact IT to request needed equipment Upon offer being accepted
Send an email announcement to school/unit announcing new hire's arrival and copy new hire Week before new hire starts
Prepare a schedule for new hire's first week
  • Include an assignment that provides an early win
Week before new hire starts

Begin and end the new hire's second day (first day is at Welcome Center) with a face-to-face meeting

  • A welcome event (e.g., team lunch) can be a fun way to introduce your new hire to new colleagues
Second day
Provide department-specific information, including:
  • Policies and procedures
  • Required training
  • Safety information and emergency assembly point
  • Applicable Administrative Guide or Research Policy Handbook policies
First week
Use authority manager (or work with the appropriate person) to grant authority to systems (e.g., Epic or STARS) First week
Establish goals and ensure the new hire understands how performance is evaluated First month

Provide regular, informal feedback
