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Manage Contacts Using Adium

Most contact management in Adium occurs directly on the contact list or via menu items in the Contacts menu.To sort your contacts, you can separate them into groups or create aliases that identify which services that contact uses.

Adding a group

You will want to add a group for your Stanford contacts before adding any contacts. See Adding a group for more information.

Adding a contact

  1. In the Contact menu, click Add Contact.
  2. In the Add Contact dialog box, enter the following information:
    • Contact Type: XMPP
    • Jabber ID: enter the address (this cannot be a SUNet ID alias) of the contact you are adding
    • Alias: enter the name you want to appear in your Contacts list for this contact
    • In Group: select the group label you have set up for your Stanford IM contacts
    • On Accounts: if there is more than one account, select the one labeled with with your SUNet ID

    add contact
  3. Click Add.
  4. The added contact will be asked to accept the add request.

Removing a contact

  1. In your Contacts list, click the contact you want to remove.
  2. On the Contact menu, click Remove Contact. (Alternatively, hold down CTRL and click the contact name. Then click Remove.)
  3. At the prompt, click Remove.

    remove contact confirmation

Moving or reordering contacts

Note: You cannot manually move or reorder contacts if Adium is keeping your contacts in a sorted order. On the View menu, make sure that Sort Contacts Manually is selected.

To move a contact to a new group or to reorder your contacts, simply drag the contact to a new location.

Creating an alias for a contact

If you want to change how a name is displayed in your Contacts list, you can create an alias for the contact.

Recommendation for Stanford users: Append "(Stanford)" to your contact names to quickly identify your Stanford contacts. Example: Jane Doe (Stanford)

  1. In your Contacts list, click the contact for which you want to create an alias.
  2. On the Contact menu, click Get Info. (Alternatively, hold down CTRL and click the contact name. Then click Get Info.)
  3. Click the Status and Profile tab and enter an alias for this contact in the Alias field.

    create alias
Last modified December 9, 2015