How CAPS Works

Stanford University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is the university’s counseling center dedicated to student mental health and well-being.

As specialists working with undergraduate and graduate students, we work to address your needs through an initial CAPS phone appointment offered the same day you call.

CAPS provides a broad range of services including crisis counseling, individual therapy, medication assessment and management, group therapy, and couples counseling.  These services are provided by a diverse and multicultural professional staff.

In addition to our clinical services, CAPS supports programs to promote mental health, emotional resilience, and wellness throughout the campus community.  Our counselors work with students and parents during orientation, teach classes on campus, present at health and wellness events, visit student housing and community centers, and consult with faculty and staff in every academic department.

We are always open to feedback, so please let us know what we are doing well and how we can improve to meet your needs by filling out our feedback form

Urgent/Emergent Matters
Assisting Students In Distress
How CAPS Works
Higher Levels of Care