
Most Stanford students (85 percent) never use tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco) and less than 1.8 percent use tobacco every day.

What about the remaining 12 percent who occasionally smoke a cigarette? Long-term health damage is difficult to ascertain. However, mounting evidence points to smoking as a significant health concern. This includes harm to others from secondhand smoke.

For this reason, Stanford has a strict policy, promoting clean air and environments free of smoke. Violations can be reported to residential staff, Dean of Students Office, and/or the Dean of Graduate Life Office. 

Stanford University Policy on Smoke-Free Environments

Our message is this: The facts are simple. Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death in the United States. Our message is equally simple. If you don’t use tobacco, don’t start. If you do use tobacco, do everything you can to stop. If you cannot stop alone, get help to assist you.


Wellness and Health Promotion Services has an alcohol, tobacco and other drug educator who provides students with information on tobacco use and referrals for smoking-cessation programs.

Medical Services offers medication and other support services for students who are interested in quitting smoking.

The Walk-in Health Library collection contains information on tobacco.


These sites address tobacco use and provide resources to help you quit smoking.
California Smokers' Helpline provides facts and practical information on how to quit using tobacco.

American Lung Association offers free “Quit Smoking” programs

A useful online guide to tobacco and health can be found at: