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Expect Continuous Construction Activity this Weekend

April 21, 2015

Mountain View Light Rail Double Track Project 
Inquiries regarding this project should be directed to:
VTA Community Outreach
(408) 321-7575


In order to complete specific construction activities, an extended period of access is needed while trains aren’t running and the overhead electrical system (OES) is de-energized. During the next few months there will be weekends where light rail service will be temporarily replaced with substitute bus service so construction crews can work continuously through the weekend.
The next light rail shutdown is scheduled for this weekend, April 25 and 26. After that, the next weekend light rail shutdown is tentatively scheduled for the weekend of May 16 and 17.
Substitute bus service—or a “bus bridge”—will be provided during these weekends. Signage at light rail stations will provide information on how to access the bus bridge and that information will also be available on VTA’s website.
During these weekends, construction activities will likely be continuous from approximately 11 p.m. Friday until 5 a.m. the following Monday.
Activity No. 1 Installation of a track crossover
This work involves replacing approximately 100 foot of exiting track with new track that contains a crossover (crossovers allow trains to move from one track to another).
Crews will be using welding units and a small crane to move, relocate and place large lengths of track. A soil compacting truck will also be in use. Activity at this location will be continuous through the weekend until the operation is completed.
This crossover is located along the VTA light rail tracks west of the Stevens Creek Pedestrian Overcrossing in Mountain View.
Work will begin at 11 p.m. Friday night, April 24, 2015 and continue until 5 a.m. Monday, April 27.
The weekend-long construction period is required because of the extended length of light rail track that is being replaced as part of this work.
Activity No. 2         Tree Trimming and Brush Removal near Whisman Station
This activity has been rescheduled for the week of May 4, 2015
Activity No. 3         Evelyn Station Demolition
Crews are currently demoing the station platform and portions of the underground pedestrian walkway that led to the station from Evelyn Avenue. Excavators are being used to break up the concrete, which is then moved across the existing light rail track and loaded onto haul trucks located along the edge of eastbound Central Expressway.
The former Evelyn Light Rail Station is located near where Pioneer Way dead-ends into Evelyn Avenue in Mountain View.
Day and night activities at this location extend out beyond the current three-week look-ahead calendar.
Night activities are required because of the proximity to the OES and because the debris must be moved across the existing light rail tracks so it can be loaded into haul trucks. 
Mountain View Double Track Project
The Mountain View Double Track project, one of a series of projects known as the VTA Light Rail Train Efficiency Program, includes installing a second set of light rail tracks between the Mountain View and Whisman stations. The work will require the closure of the underutilized Evelyn Light Rail Station. The purpose of this project is to eliminate the current bottle neck caused by the single track operation in this area of Mountain View and provide storage space to stage multiple vehicles to service future BART service and special events at Levi’s Stadium.

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Notices & Service Alerts

Last update: 10/30/2015

Construction Wrapping Up: Construction on the Mountain View Light Rail Double Track Project is almost complete.

November Bus Bridges: Light rail service will be replaced by substitute bus service for a portion of the system from Saturday, November 14 to Sunday, November 22.

Bus Stop Relocation-El Camino & California: due to construction

Eastbound Bus Stops Relocating or Closing On Alum Rock Avenue: Bus stops located on Eastbound Alum Rock Avenue are being closed or relocated to allow for construction in the eastbound lanes between U.S. 101 and Jose Figueres Avenue.