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Sustainability Commission

Sustainability Commission

The Cupertino Sustainability Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council to serve four-year overlapping terms. One member must be a representative from a Cupertino-based educational institution and another from a Cupertino-based business. Sustainability Commission members who are representatives of an educational institution or a business are not required to be Cupertino residents. The three remaining community members must be residents of Cupertino. The commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and provides expertise and guidance on major policy and programmatic areas related to the environmental, economic and societal goals noted within Cupertino’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) and General Plan (GP) Environmental Resources/Sustainability Element. The Sustainability Commission falls under the Political Reform Act of 1974 and financial disclosure is required.

Regular meetings are held at least once every three months at 4 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month in City Hall Conference Room A, and other meetings may be held as necessary. For more information, call staff liaison Erin Cooke at (408) 777-7603.

Commissioner Names

Gary Latshaw, first term ending 1/30/18
Angela Chen, Vice Chair, first term ending 1/30/18
Meera Ramanathan, first term ending 1/30/20
Vignesh Swaminathan, Chair, first term (Business Representative) ending 1/30/20
Anna Weber, first term (Educational Representative) ending 1/30/20

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Last updated: 4/18/2016 5:27:11 PM