Professional Experience

We evaluate your professional experience by considering the evolution of your positions, your ability to lead others in challenging situations, demonstrated resilience, and articulated career aspirations.

Work Experience

You must have at least eight years of professional work experience. Most successful MSx students also possess a minimum of five years of experience in managerial roles and strategic oversight, though this is not a requirement.

The information you submit in this section should provide clarity regarding your professional choices and the next phase of your career.

For each employer you have worked for, provide the following:

  • Organization name and description
  • Industry, job title, and salary
  • A significant accomplishment, greatest challenge, and reason for leaving

Go beyond listing your professional roles and responsibilities; reflect on how you have positively influenced individuals and companies — and how that experience relates to your future goals.


Submit a professional resume or CV that is legible, succinct, and not longer than two pages. Focus on metrics, impact in your organization and on others, and leadership experience.

shining lightbulb
Student Tip: Make It about You

“Although it’s probably unnatural, be self-centered and clearly explain your personal contributions via active language while succinctly detailing the challenge, your efforts, and the importance of the desired outcome.”

— Quaye Quartey II, MS ’19