ACT Services

ACT helps Bay Area nonprofits address their most pressing management challenges.

Project teams range in size from a single consultant to as many as eight, depending on the complexity and nature of the issue. Nonprofit clients have ACT address questions like these:

Strategy and Planning

  • How do we align our long-range strategy with our financial resources? (American Conservatory Theater)
  • Is our new social venture opportunity in line with our mission and goal of achieving financial independence? (Street Tech)
  • What are the implications of creating a fee-for-service income program? (Urban Ecology)


  • Does our marketing plan effectively build on volunteer participation and contacts?
  • How can we broaden our membership base?
  • How does the environment in which we operate shape our strategic priorities and positioning? (Girls Middle School)

Financial Management

  • What are the financial implications of expanding to a second location?
  • How can we develop a business model to help us fund our educational programs?
  • How can we lower costs and raise revenue to support sustainable operations? (Career Closet)
  • Can we reduce dependence on grants and contributions with earned revenue while staying true to our mission?
  • How can we judge which opportunities are best for us?
  • What are the best ways for us to reduce our budget deficits?


  • How do we decide whether a program that didn’t meet our financial targets can be improved or should be canceled? (Crystal Springs Uplands School)
  • How can we improve and streamline our operations and strengthen our infrastructure? (Career Closet)

Organizational Development

  • How can we best utilize technology to connect our members and share best practices?
  • How can we best grow our organization and adapt our structure to support a multiproduct organization? (TRUSTe)
  • How do we expand our mission and reach while staying true to our core values?
