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Teach with technology in the Meyer 220 Flex Class



View of Meyer 220 Flex Class classroom.

Are you a faculty member interested in teaching with technology? Would you like that technology to come in a flexible, studio-like learning environment with easy-to-rearrange chairs and tables? Come teach in the Meyer 220 Flex Class!

The Flex Class is operated by Academic Computing Services and offers instructors and students two interactive whiteboards for whole-class presentations, five large displays for small-group work, and full suites of Mac and Windows software on desktop and laptop computers. The room has an abundance of comfortable, mobile seating and is surrounded by writable whiteboard surfaces.        View of Meyer 220 Flex Class

Innovative courses hosted in the Flex Class have included:

• Urban Studies 166: East Palo Alto: Reading Urban Change, Innovated Stanford class project turns urban studies students into filmmakers

• English 190G: The Graphic NovelStanford Graphic Novel ProjectView of Meyer 220 Flex Class

Space is available for Spring Quarter 2013 as well as the 2013/2014 academic year.

For more information or to inquire about teaching a course in the Flex Class, contact

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December 9, 2015

December 9, 2015