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A living archive for Çatalhöyük



Çatalhöyük Living Archive

On Tuesday, January 27 at 2:30 pm, SUL digital humanities research developer Karl Grossner will be joined by Archaeology PhD candidate Justine Issavi, in presenting results of a recent pilot project titled Çatalhöyük Living Archive.

Çatalhöyük Living Archive is an experimental web application and data repository representing the products of 21 years of excavation and analysis at that Neolithic settlement southeast of Konya on the Anatolian Plateau in present-day Turkey.

Directed by Professor Ian Hodder of Stanford University, the over-arching goal of the Living Archive project is the reorganization and open publication of all Çatalhöyük data so it can be more readily re-interpreted, now and beyond the period of active excavation ending in 2016. Development of the pilot to this stage was supported by a Digital Humanities Grant from Stanford University Libraries.

The talk will be given at CESTA (Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis), on the 4th floor of Wallenberg Hall -- Building 160.

Çatalhöyük Living Archive flyer

By Karl Grossner

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