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Chalk Talk: Boiling the Ocean, Together: Web Archive Collection Development in a Global Context



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Join SUL Web Archiving Service Manager Nicholas Taylor, along with Daniel Hartwig, Kris Kasianovitz, Henry Lowood, John Eilts, and other members of the Web Archiving Service Team, in this conversation about Stanford's efforts to "boil the ocean" that is the World Wide Web.

Who: SUL and Coordinate Library Staff
When: Monday, May 12, 2014, 2:30-4 pm
Where: Green Library, IC Classroom

There are many web archiving collecting efforts: the Internet Archive executes broad but shallow crawls for the entire public web, national libraries collect national top-level-domain content through legal deposit, research libraries curate topical collections, and archives collect web-based organizational records. Stanford University Libraries has for some time been engaged in web archiving as well, for collection-building and preservation of institutional legacy, and is building a service to support other use cases.

Looking forward toward implementation of that service, how can we in the meantime develop and maintain awareness, facilitate discovery, and promote use of the web archives created by other organizations? Thinking about our own collecting efforts, what is the relative importance of collection development policies, the at-risk nature of the content, the tangibility of research use cases, what other organizations are collecting, and other factors? In the context of any organization only being able to collect a small fraction of the Web, how do we maximize the value of existing web archives and ensure that new ones we create are of the greatest value to Stanford University and the larger community? 

We hope you'll join us with your ideas and questions for a lively conversation!

Note that this Chalk Talk is on a Monday, rather than our customary third Thursday.


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