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Chris Bourg named new director for MIT Libraries



Chris Bourg

Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced this morning the appointment of their new Director for MIT Libraries and MIT Press.  It is with pride and enthusiasm that I congratulate our own Chris Bourg on this well-deserved appointment in assuming this role for MIT.

Chris began working for Stanford Libraries in 1998, as a graduate student assistant in the Social Science Data Service group. In 2002, she joined our full-time staff as the Curator for Behavioral and Social Sciences and went on to serve us well as Associate Director of Communications and Head of the Information Center before assuming her current duties as Associate University Librarian for Public Services. Leading MIT Libraries is an extraordinary opportunity for Chris and a logical progression for her professionally. She has been an imaginative and talented leader for our organization in providing service to Stanford students and scholars. Her efforts have made Stanford Libraries a stronger and better organization.  Chris' accomplishments are many, but here are some selected highlights:

  • Overseeing two major library website redesigns (2004 and 2012)
  • Improving and expanding our primary instruction, reference, and outreach programs -- including implementing chat reference, establishing a library open house event & library events for new graduate students.
  • Leading patron assessment programs, including major student and faculty survey and interview projects
  • Creating a library internship program for local first generation, low income secondary school students
  • Developing the Library Concierge Program to improve internal communications, provide cross-specialization training, and thereby improve operational effectiveness
  • Creating and leading the first Women’s Voices and Influence group for Stanford staff, and working closely with Stanford’s Clayman Institute for Gender Research, University Human Resources, and the Office of Diversity and
  • Access to create a pilot program for Women’s Voices and Influence groups across the campus.

What I have admired most about Chris is her conviction and integrity to issues that matter and her determination to create meaningful, effective action on those issues. These characteristics have contributed to her being a sought after presenter and adviser at conferences and on committees across the globe. Chris was an outstanding representative for Stanford, and I look forward to watching her lead MIT Libraries during this critical time for research libraries.

The library community in Cambridge is gaining a leader who is user-centric and knows how to leverage the benefits of technology to improve processes, communication and service.  Chris Bourg has strong presence and is already an effective leader, capabilities that will serve her and MIT very well in the coming years. One can only be happy for Chris and compliment MIT on their judgment.

Please join me in congratulating Chris Bourg!


Micheal A. Keller

University Librarian
Publisher of Stanford University Press


By Michael A. Keller

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