Emergency Plan Resources for Departments, Divisions, Institutes, Centers, and Programs

Department Emergency Plans are an essential component of the School of Medicine's Emergency Management Program. New Department Emergency Coordinators may wish to schedule a briefing on developing and implementing emergency plans by contacting the Emergency Management Program at somemergency@stanford.edu or 650-721-6269. 

There are two major components to the Department Emergency Plans, hard copy binders and online emergency plans.

Hard Copy Binder

Each department shall provide a hard copy binder to key emergency personnel that have responsibility to activate the plan.  The Health and Safety Programs Office provides blue Emergency Plan binders and the color-coded tabs.  Please contact somemergency@stanford.edu to request these items.  The hard copy binder contains the following resources:

Online Emergency Plan 

Department shall review and update their information provided in the Online Emergency Plan.   Instructions to access and review are contained in the general contents developed by HSPO (listed above). To update the information, please email changes to somemergency@stanford.edu.

Emergency plans should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. The Health and Safety Programs Office coordinates this effort every fall.