Lab Safety

Everyone working in and supporting lab research has a role in promoting a culture of Lab Safety. Key elements for managing Hazardous Materials and Waste are defined in the University's Chemical Hygiene Plan. Hazardous materials include hazardous chemicals, biohazards and radioactive materials. Areas storing or using hazardous materials are required to complete a self-inspection of these areas on at least a quarterly basis and are subject to chemical inventory reporting requirements.

Your Role in Lab Safety

“A stated goal of the Task Force is to develop a laboratory culture in which safety is instilled into the mindset of all our scientists from the day they arrive on campus – and that they take this mindset with them to the next stages of their career. In short, we hope to create a culture where our scientists don’t think about safety as a compliance issue or a set of guidelines distinct from their research activities, but as a fundamental value imbedded in everything they do.”


Principal Investigators' Role

“Faculty-PIs are central to maintaining a culture of research excellence and are also critical to establishing, encouraging and sustaining a vibrant safety culture within their laboratories.” 

The PI is responsible for ensuring that all laboratory personnel, including part-time students and visiting scientists, are properly trained and informed of the safety regulations, as required by the University's Health and Safety policy and by various government regulatory agencies. The School's Health and Safety Programs staff conduct one-on-one briefings for new faculty. Please contact us to arrange a time if we haven't already contacted you.