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Flexible Work Insights & Announcements

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Updated August 11, 2022

Here you’ll find a summary of leadership announcements and industry news stories about flexible work.


There is a wealth of information, insights and advice regarding hybrid and remote work these days.  Below you’ll find a curated list of recent articles and podcasts that you may find helpful or illuminating.

On Virtual Communication

Illustration of people having video conference with their colleagues at home.

Journal Nature (April 27, 2022): Jonathan Levav (Stanford) and Melanie Brucks (Columbia) explore how virtual communication can curb creative idea generation - and may help with decision making.

How Virtual Meetings Can Limit Creative Ideas

Wharton Professor Adam Grant shares another take on this study: No, You Don't Have to Meet in Person

On Hybrid Work

Illustration of hybrid work

Forbes (March 6, 2022): Caroline Castrillon provides five helpful tips for all of us to consider for making our hybrid work experience successful, including creating healthy boundaries, focusing on outcomes, and investing in team building.

5 Tips To Thrive In A Hybrid Work Environment


On the Importance of Adaptability

Illustration of person balancing different priorities

Harvard Business Review IdeaCast (February 22, 2022): This 23-minute podcast underscores the importance of remaining agile and adaptable as we continue to explore how best to structure our new ways of working.

Why Some Companies Thrived During the Pandemic



News and Announcements

Cardinal Hall, Stanford Redwood City Campus

Stanford University IT (July 18, 2022): The new Cardinal Flex Workspace Reservation System enables space administrators to manage their shared workspaces easily, and staff without a dedicated workspace to quickly find and reserve a shared workspace for days when they are in a campus office.


Cardinal at Work Insider (July 5, 2022): Our employees transformed our approach to work and, in the process, embraced new ways of working.



Illustration of various work arrangements

Email to Stanford employees (February 8, 2022): Elizabeth Zacharias, VP for Human Resources, shares an update on flexible work policies and the changes to our implementation approach.



Stanford University Provost Persis Drell and President Marc Tessier-Lavigne

Campus Conversation recording (January 20, 2022): President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Provost Persis Drell provided updates on campus planning, while Lloyd Minor, dean of the School of Medicine, and Kristan Staudenmayer, associate professor of surgery, discussed the current state of the pandemic.