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New Data Services web site online!



Data Management Services is excited to announce the launch of our new web site!

The primary goal of Data Services is to assist Stanford's researchers with the organization, management, and curation of research data. We want to help ensure that Stanford research data is preserved and accessible now and into the future. Our new site will help campus researchers create and carry out a data management strategy that will preserve their valuable research data for future sharing and reuse.

The Data Management Planning Tool (DMP Tool) - available via the Data Services web site - is a quick and easy way for researchers to assemble data management plans for grant proposals. The tool includes up-to-date funder-specific requirements and Stanford-specific guidance, as well as suggested language for those wishing to preserve data in the Stanford Digital Repository.

Visit to log into the tool with your SUNet ID. DMPTool workshops will be offered at various sites around campus throughout the fall. Check the Science and Engineering Libraries Training tab in Coursework to see dates, times, and locations. For questions or help, contact data services at

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