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Phase 2: Check-Ins

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To learn more about how you, your team, or your organization can participate in Grow and Perform at Stanford, please contact Talent Management and Workforce Strategy.

Performance Management @ Stanford and Simple Eval

Performance Management@Stanford and Simple Eval programs phased out in December 2020 and are no longer supported. For guidance on performance management within your school/unit, contact your HR manager or representative.

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Facilitate continuous coaching, skill development and goals progress.

Two-way, open and frequent coaching conversations build a partnership for growth that allow both the manager and employee to set destinations, course-correct and celebrate successes as destinations are reached. In order for performance conversations to be effective, they must be frequent and carefully structured to celebrate accomplishments and identify opportunities for growth.

Regular Check-ins Tools & Resources

Infographic showing coaching and feedback timeline. 1) employee and manager check-in; 2) adjust performance and develop plans; 3) document check-in

Program Tools

Systems Tools


Program Tools

Systems Tools

Other Resources