Community Housing: Listing Policies

Modification of Existing Listings

You may change your listing as needed to reflect current availability and circumstances. You will modify your listing through your Places4Students Landlord Account online.


Community Housing is a Fair Housing Advocate. Listings may not contain discriminatory language or implied meaning. All rentals listed through this office must be open to students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars and researchers at Stanford University. Community Housing reserves the right to edit, reclassify, or reject any listing.

Guest Policies

Community Housing office policy is to not accept listings for rentals where overnight guest or visitors are not allowed. Reasonable limits may be in place, but must allow quiet enjoyment of the property which the tenant is renting as his/her home.


Do not cancel your listing as rented until you are sure that it is rented (i.e. you have a signed rental agreement and have received any security deposit). You will cancel your listing through your Places4Students online account. Once you take down the listing, you will not be able to re-post it without paying a new listing fee.

Refusal of Listings

Community Housing reserves the right to refuse listings submitted by landlords who establish a pattern of conflict with tenants or refusal to comply with landlord-tenant law, standard rental housing practices, or Community Housing office policies.

The office maintains a file of letters from tenants detailing problems and complaints about their landlords, as well as any responses from the landlords involved. Depending on the severity of the alleged problem, a landlord may be de-listed immediately or after up to three letters of complaint have been received.

The reason for this policy is that Community Housing exists to assist Stanford affiliates in filling a basic but very important need (finding housing) so that they may be free to pursue their academic endeavors. We must not knowingly place them in situations which will hinder their progress.