Financial Considerations for Sublicensing

Limits on Amount License Holder Can Charge

The amount of rent charged may not exceed the amount the student license holder pays for the same period. Charging a higher rate is a violation of Stanford policy. No additional charges may be made for use of utilities, with the exception of telecommunication and cable television services if those are provided.

Housing Charges Due to Student Housing

The student license holder is still under contract with the University for the space in Student Housing, and the license holder of the apartment continues to be responsible for paying University housing charges during the term. If the housing charges for an apartment are not paid on time, a hold will be placed on the license holder's enrollment.

Lock-Out Fees

If a sublicensee is locked out and a fee is incurred for being let back into the apartment, the charge will go on to the student license holder’s University bill and the sublicensee will be responsible for reimbursing the student license holder.

Communication Fees

All housing-related charges are paid by the student license holder through the University bill. The sublicensee and the license holder can make arrangements for the reimbursement of the communications charge if the sublicensee will be using the University phone line and Internet services.

Cleaning and Damages

The student license holder is responsible for providing to the sublicensee an apartment that is clean and in good order. If there are any maintenance needs, a fix-it ticket should be submitted by the student license holder with enough lead time for the repair to be completed before the sublicensee arrives. If cleaning or repairs must be done during the course of the sublicense period, any billable charges will be put onto the student license holder’s University bill. If the sublicensee was responsible for any cleaning or damage charges, he/she must reimburse the student license holder. For this reason, the license holder and the sublicensee should record the condition of the apartment at the beginning and the end of the sublicense period.

Security Deposits

A student license holder may wish to ask for a security deposit from the sublicensee to cover any damages or charges that might be incurred by the sublicensee. A separate, written agreement that states the specific terms under which the deposit will be returned should be completed and signed by both parties. The Department of Consumer Affairs has a web page on security deposits.

Graduate Housing Rates

2015-16 Graduate Housing Rate Chart

Unauthorized Occupancy and Unauthorized Sublicense Fee

Any student license holder found to have an unauthorized sublicense arrangement will be charged an unauthorized sublicense fee of $450 and anunauthorized occupancy administrative fee of $175 for each day or portion of a day that the unauthorized sublicensee was in the apartment or was in an arrangement giving him or her access to stay in the apartment.