Summer Assignment Priorities for Single Undergraduates

Students living in Single Undergraduate Housing during Spring Quarter have priority to remain in their residence if it is open during the summer and is not being used for a special program.

  • Undergraduate students applying in groups of three or four students will have priority for the Governor's Corner suites.  Groups of three students will have priority for assignment to 6-person suites and groups of four students will have priority to the 4-person (and 8-person) suites. Please note that this priority will not appear on the application.
  • Continuing Stanford undergraduates will have priority for assignment to Mirrielees and Oak Creek Apartments.  Assignments will be made to Oak Creek as overflow in the event that all students cannot be housed on campus.  Students who will be 21 years old by the beginning of the summer term will have priority over younger students, and current freshmen are not eligible for assignment to the complex.
  • Students living in 576 Alvarado or another Stanford cooperative house and who request 10-week summer housing contracts will have priority for assignment to 576 Alvarado.
  • Student visitors in the Stanford Summer International Honors Program will be assigned to the residence designated for this program.
  • Enrolled students have priority over non-enrolled students for summer housing in the event that there is not enough space to house all applicants in a given category of housing.  However, in most cases all students who will accept any assignment are assigned to housing for the summer.

Summer Residence

Summer Priority Level 1

Summer Priority Level 2

576 Alvarado

Spring residents of 576 Alvarado who request 10-week contracts

Spring residents of other Stanford cooperatives who request 10-week contracts

Mirrielees two-room double

Spring residents of Mirrielees two-room double apartments

Continuing Stanford undergraduates

Mirrielees three-room triple

Spring residents of Mirrielees three-room triple apartments

Continuing Stanford undergraduates

Oak Creek 2-BR/1BA triple

Spring residents of Oak Creek 2-BR/1BA triple-occupancy apartments

Continuing Stanford undergraduates, age 21 or older

Oak Creek 2-BR/2BA triple

Spring residents of Oak Creek 2-BR/2BA triple-occupancy apartments

Continuing Stanford undergraduates, age 21 or older

Governor's Corner residence hall single

Spring residents of Governor's Corner residence hall singles (Sterling Quad Houses and independent houses)


Governor's Corner residence hall two room double

Spring residents of Governor's Corner residence hall two-room doubles (Sterling Quad Houses and independent houses)


Governor's Corner residence hall one room double

Spring residents of Governor's Corner residence hall one-room doubles (Sterling Quad Houses and independent houses)


Governor's Corner residence hall one room triple

Spring residents of Governor's Corner residence hall one-room triple (Sterling Quad Houses and independent houses)


Governor's Corner 4-person (and 8-person) suite

Undergraduate groups of four students

Spring residents of the Governor's Corner 4-person suites

Governor's Corner 6-person suite

Undergraduate groups of three students

Spring residents of the Governor's Corner 6-person suites

Crothers single

Spring residents of Crothers (not Crothers Memorial) singles


Crothers one-room double

Spring residents of Crothers (not Crothers Memorial) one room