Definitions for Stanford Sublicensing Program

Academic Year – the academic year consists of the autumn, winter, and spring terms, which equates approximately to the period of time from mid-September to mid-June.

Co-ed – for both male and female students.

Enrolled – on the official University list of students taking courses for an academic term, with tuition fees charged on a student bill.

HART Team – the Housing Access Response Team, which is available for lockout assistance after hours by calling 650-725-1602. You will need to present a Stanford ID or Government-issued ID to receive a key, and there will be a $75 charge for lockout assistance provided through the HART team.

Housing Front Desk - an information, service, and problem-resolution resource for any housing related issue for residents. There is one Housing Front Desk associated with each housing option. Some Housing Front Desks serve more than one complex, and some complexes are split between two Housing Front Desks.

License – a legally binding contract between the University and a student, granting possession of a space in student housing for a specified period of time while the student remains eligible for housing. The student signs a Residence Agreement electronically when applying for housing and agrees to the terms of the Residence Agreement.

Licensee – a person holding a license (contract) for a space in University housing.

Matriculated – enrolled at a university in a degree program.

Graduate Life Dean - a trained professional who can advise residents about personal issues and assist with personal emergencies. When necessary, they also intervene directly in behavioral problems.

Stanford affiliate – a person with a formal connection to the university, whether short term or on-going. Examples include enrolled students, staff members, temporary staff workers employed by Stanford, visiting researchers, postdoctoral scholars, participants of on-campus conferences, etc.

Sublicense – 1) a license granted by a licensee that grants some or all of the rights (as to an apartment or bedroom) acquired under the original license (contract). 2) to license under a subcontract.

Sublicensee – a person to whom a sublicense is granted. In this case, a current Stanford affiliate who is not a minor or an undergraduate student.

Unauthorized Occupancy Administrative Fee - an administrative fee of $175 per day for occupying a room or residence without prior authorization. This may be before a licensee’s contract begins, after a licensee’s contract ends, or during the contract by having an unauthorized guest.

Unauthorized Sublicense Agreement – a sublicense situation not approved and authorized by Student Housing.