Room/Apartment Condition Forms

Dorm room decorated with Stanford items

Whenever you are assigned to a campus residence, be sure to complete a room or apartment condition form when you arrive. The form gives you a chance to assess the conditions and contents of your room or apartment, thus safe-guarding you from being held responsible for pre-existing damages or missing furniture when you move out.

Please submit your room condition form within five days of your move. If you change rooms or apartments during the year, be sure to complete a new room condition form.

If you do not complete the room condition form, we’ll consider your space in acceptable condition, and you will be held responsible for the cost to repair any or all damages.


Undergraduate Housing



Use the quick reference sheet to take notes on your room or apartment; then use the notes to complete your form online:


Room Condition Form and Inventory


As you check out, you are strongly encouraged to review the condition of your room again within a week prior to your move-out date.

Please use this link to either revise your form within the first week after moving in or to check out.  

Room Condition Form revision and check out link

Graduate Housing



If you did not receive an Apartment Condition and Inventory Form in your welcome packet, pick one up from your Housing Front Desk or download a copy and submit the completed form to your Housing Front Desk.