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Registration and Study Lists

The preliminary study list deadline is the first day of classes of each quarter during the academic year. As early as possible, but no later than this deadline, students (including those with TGR status) must submit to the Office of the University Registrar via Axess, a study list to enroll officially in classes for the quarter. Students are expected to be enrolled "at status" by the preliminary study list deadline; meaning that students must be enrolled in sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, or on approved special registration status. Students who enroll in more units than their anticipated tuition charge covers will be charged the additional tuition. They may not enroll in courses for zero units unless those courses, like TGR, are defined as zero-unit courses. Undergraduates are subject to academic load limits described in the "Amount of Work" section of this bulletin. Students will be charged a $200 late study list fee for submitting their study lists after the quarterly deadline.

The University reserves the right to withhold registration from, and to cancel the advance registration or registration of, any student having unmet obligations to the University.

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