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Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace

Director: John Raisian

Web Site:

Since its founding by Herbert Hoover in 1919 as a special collection dealing with the causes and consequences of World War I, the Hoover Institution has become an international center for documentation, research, and publication on political, economic, social, and educational change in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Hoover Library and Archives include one of the largest private archives in the world and contain outstanding area collections on Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia and the former Soviet Union, Latin America, the Middle East, North America, and Western Europe.

Holdings include government documents, files of newspapers and serials, manuscripts, memoirs, diaries, and personal papers of men and women who have played significant roles in the events of these centuries, the publications of societies and of resistance and underground movements, the publications and records of national and international bodies, both official and unofficial, and books and pamphlets, many of them rare and irreplaceable. The materials are open to all Stanford students, faculty, and staff, to scholars from outside the University, and to the public at large.

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