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Woods Institute for the Environment: Goldman Interschool Honors Program in Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy

The Woods Institute for the Environment coordinates a University-wide interschool honors program in environmental science, technology, and policy. Undergraduates planning to participate in the honors program are required to pursue studies in environmental sciences, technology, and policy, with a concentration in a single discipline. After completion of the prerequisite units, students join small group honors seminars to work with faculty members in the environmental field on an honors thesis that incorporates both scientific principles and policy aspects of environmental issues.

Courses in environmental studies appear under the course listings of the schools of Earth Sciences, Engineering, and Humanities and Sciences. Information about and applications to this program may be obtained by phoning (650) 723-5697 and at

The Woods Institute provides support for student group projects focusing on the environment and sustainability. For details, see

The Woods Institute also sponsors a weekly series of talks on a broad range of energy topics under the rubric of CEE/ENERGY 301, Energy Seminar. For more information, see

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