Undergraduate Housing Newsletter January 2016



R&DE Student Housing Opening Newsletter - January 2016


Winter Break Inspections Completed

As promised, R&DE Student Housing personnel inspected all student rooms over break. A copy of the inspection form completed during that process was left in each room, noting any work orders entered as well as any potential damage and policy violations. It is important that you read your inspection form carefully, and take note of any items requiring action, including signing and returning the form if necessary.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact your Housing Front Desk.  For more information please see the Residence Agreement.



Student Survey

Each Winter Quarter, R&DE Student Housing conducts an on-line survey. We value your feedback as it helps us to provide you the best possible service.  Look for information about the survey in your email soon.


Room Condition Forms

If you moved into a new residence or a new room, please remember to fill out an online Room Condition Form (RCF). Room Condition Forms help you avoid being billed for damages when you vacate a space. RCFs need to be completed by Friday, January 15th, 2016.

If you are not able to submit an on-line RCF, please contact your Housing Front Desk.


Spring Quarter Housing

Leaving for Spring Quarter? Not planning to Enroll Spring Quarter? Undergraduates sign Residence Agreements for the entire academic year.  Only students who terminate their enrollment or enroll in a Stanford program away from campus (i.e., Stanford Overseas Studies, Stanford in Washington, or Hopkins Marine Station) are released from their housing contracts.  Students who move off campus while still enrolled will be held liable for housing charges for the entire academic year.

You can apply to cancel your housing agreement and read more information about this process in Axess. You can access the Housing and Dining section in Axess at the bottom of the Axess homepage, under “ACADEMIC EXTERNAL LINKS”.

If you terminate your undergraduate contract at the end of Spring Quarter, you must move out by noon on Saturday, March 19th.

Deadlines and Fees for filing a termination notice for the Spring Quarter:

February 5th – Last day to file a termination notice without a fee
February 6th – March 4th $100 termination fee
March 5th – March 18th $250 termination fee
March 19th – $450 fee to file termination on or after this date


Designated Bike Parking

To comply with safety codes, bikes must not be left in any interior common areas such as hallways and entryways or in exterior breezeways or walkways.  Bikes should only be secured in designated bike parking areas.

Bikes not parked in designated bike parking areas are subject to having the locks cut and bikes impounded by Public Safety.

For more information about bicycle use on campus, please visit Stanford Parking and Transportation Services or the 2015-2016 Residence Agreement.


Room Phones

Did you know that your campus room comes with landline phone service?  Simply plug in your phone in one of the white colored ports, just above your room's data jack (orange/red colored). 

In case of campus emergencies, such as an earthquake, this landline service could be essential if cell service were compromised.  Having your phone hooked up will also allow guests to contact you from the DoorKing phones located at the building entries. 

If you don’t have a phone, please visit your local Housing Front Desk for a replacement phone.  For more information on room phone service please visit the Stanford University IT page


Earthquake & Fire Safety Tips

Practice Makes Perfect.
Participate in your Building’s Emergency Evacuation Drills.  Read emergency preparedness information on-line from the University Environmental Health & Safety office.

Duck, Cover, & Hold under a sturdy piece of furniture.
When the shaking stops, gather your most essential items and exit the building cautiously to the Emergency Assembly Point (EAP).
Use the stairs not the elevator.
Check in with your RA or CA at the EAP.

Fire or Smoke:
If you see flames or see or smell smoke, pull the fire alarm near your closest exit and evacuate the building to your EAP.
If you are the person in charge (e.g., RA or HM), make yourself known to the Emergency Responders.

Don’t go back into the building!
Stay alert, be patient, and calm others while you wait for help to arrive.
Try to contact your family or out of state contact to tell them you are safe. (Text messages may get through sometimes even when phone systems are “down” after a major emergency.)


Bedbug Reminder

With all of the winter break traveling it is important to remember the increased chance of bedbugs.  Though bedbugs are very rare at Stanford, and we have had only a few isolated cases in recent years, we need your assistance to avert and contain future cases.
As bedbugs are brought into buildings via people's belongings, here is what you can do to help:
*Read"What You Should Know about Bedbugson the R&DE Student Housing Website for important information about the prevention of bedbugs and our response to this problem.
*If you discover or suspect bedbugs, immediately contact R&DE Student Housing. Do not attempt to eradicate them yourself. Successful treatment must be carried out by a trained professional. Contact your Housing Building Manager or Front Desk Supervisor.  After hours, please call our maintenance emergency line at 725-1602.

  • Check crevices in suitcases and backpacks for bed bugs and their eggs.
  • Do not put your suitcases or backpacks on or underneath your bed until you have inspected them.
  • Wash and dry all clothing that you have taken with you on your trip before putting things away in your room/apartment.
  • Don't bring second-hand furniture items home. They can be a common breeding ground for bedbugs.

For more information on bedbugs and pest control, please visit Dealing with Pests on the R&DE Student Housing website.


We are here to help!
Our goal in R&DE Student Housing is to make your Stanford home a comfortable, clean and safe environment.

Let us know how we can help you today.